Friday, April 13, 2007

I've seen Brave people

I just came back from a night of fun!

Firstly we met up for BOWLING! yes, I'm not a very good bowler, avg of 90+ but tonight was my lucky night. The first game I had 100 points. I thought not bad what, 3 digits. Then came the second game, I had 97. I thought thats it, its downhill game from here. But suddenly these crazy friends of mine decided that we'll have a competition. 4 vs 4, total team score. I didn't know that there was a bet going on in the back so I just tried to play my A-game (this means getting into the mood and mindset to play well). I had a strike on the first frame. and then the second frame. and the third frame. XXX. I FREAKING GOT A TURKEY LA! I never thought I was actually that good. The other team after hearing I got a turkey came over and said,"Vin ar, I know the losing team treat supper but don't like that leh, very pressurising leh!" I told them I did not know of the bet, I just wanted to play well. My team mates were saying like, eh Vin try perfect game leh. I replied with, I try la. But the fourth, fifth and six frames, I noobed up. But on the 7th frame onwards I picked up again and ended with a score of 148. My score could take on 2 players on the other team. I was so happy man. Best game of bowling I had for a long time.

So we went for supper. They wanted to treat my team supper, as the bet that was agreed on but I decided not to eat, so they treat my drink and some side dishes that we were sharing.

After eating it was still quite early. No one wanted to go back. So we decided to hangout for awhile more. One of us suggested going to play street soccer at Bishan. Since no one was against it, we went. The street soccer court was occupied. Yes at 2.30am it was OCCUPIED! So we went to the fitness station nearby to entertain ourselves.

Ok we played a very lame game, but this game test your bravery. There is this ladder like thing and we had to put our face as close as possible to it. someone will throw the soccer ball at it from a distance of about 6 foot. The soccer ball is just about the same size as the gap in the ladder. One of our friend was damn brave and damn suay. 3 times he stood there, 3 times he was hit and 3 times he didn't move. Firstly he was the first to try and on the first shot, he got headshot! After a few rounds, he got hit again by another player, this time stomach. Just before we ended the game, he got hit again. This time the groin. He knelt down crying. The last shot was taken by the same first player. All he wanted to do was blast the ball hard cause he didn't believe that guy at the ladder was so brave that he wont move when the ball is being thrown with such great strength. Lo and behold, the ball went through the lower frame of the ladder and hit the guy's groin. He really teared la. The ball was thrown so damn hard! I think they wanna try it again. I'll make sure to make myself scarce.

Before we left, someone wanted to try hitting the ball damn hard against the ladder. He wanted to hear the metal ring. So everyone moved away and he threw the ball. It hit the ladder, flew backwards into the canal behind. It was hilarious. Here we just had a victim who suffered 3 hits of the ball and now another one have to climb down the canal to retrieve the floating ball. It was damn funny. He went down, and shouted, "OMG! Its very slippery. He had to stop a few times to steady himself. The ball was floating towards a deeper end of the canal so we ask him to hurry up and try to get to the ball. Thankfully the water level wasn't too high, about calf deep and he managed to get the ball.

This has been the craziest night I have experience going out with them. I hope next time it'll be just as fun.

Just a note: sorry girl. I didn't mean to like not talk to you. But as I've explained over our short conversation, it was a bit hard tonight. Hope you'll have fun with him later.

you were in my head all the while, i didn't exactly forgot about you while i was having fun

1 comment:

glendie said...

Good to see you having fun! =)