Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I love my best friend

ok my blog got sorta hijacked. But I know of the only person who has the password besides me.

The last blog wasn't written by me. I really don't know what she is feeling but I guess it was my fault. I emo-ed her a little when I called. Well, I didn't mean to, but it just came out that way. I'm sorry girl. Really am. Shouldn't said those stuffs about dying.

I'm kinda back to my nocturnal lifestyle. This is the first night I hang out with the gang till so late. I just got home by the way. We went to prata house to meet up. I didn't eat anything, save for a cup of teh bing. We couldn't decide what to do, like play LAN or go Bowling, so we ended up just chilling at Yishun Dam. Nick and I got there early and he let me drive his car. WOOT! Damn fun la. I love driving manual cars. So while we were hanging out there, she msged me. This is super coincidental la. The last time I was there, the same thing happened. Oh well, whatever said about telepathy and how so many coincidences that may happen between us, God has clearly stated that I cannot choose her to be my wife. Period. *sigh* what a bummer.

So the call start with me emo-ing her about standing in the middle of the road waiting for a car to hit me at high speed (Yishun Dam was a place for speed demons). I think she was worried for me not being home at 12+am which I normally am. Sorry girl. Sorry I did not appreciate that kind thought. I'm sorry. I owe you one bite :)

But I also wondered, in between our conversations, if when she emo-ed me is was under PMS? I thought that was last week? I really don't know. But no matter what, I won't push the blame. I'm really sorry for emo-ing when you tried to show some concern. Will you accept my apologies please?

After Yishun Dam, we went to play LAN. Ok, this is serious fun. After so long not playing a serious game with these people, I had tons of fun! Battlefield 2 is a very fun game. All the stupid things we did, the weird strategies, accidental team kills. We were so noisy I think anyone within 10m could hear us! After playing LAN, they went to have supper/breakfast. Still I didn't eat. Nick ask," eh u still on diet ar?" I replied with a ya. Then he commented, "You doing for her? I thought she chose her boyfriend?" then I told him, "I promised her that I would and I'll stick to it. Besides, she meant well." and as usual he gave me the whatever face.

Coming home, I saw my msn with what she had written:

gLenDie is growing wisdom tooth. said:
whey wheyyy.
gLenDie is growing wisdom tooth. said:
gLenDie is growing wisdom tooth. said:
gLenDie is growing wisdom tooth. said:
gLenDie is growing wisdom tooth. said:
gLenDie is growing wisdom tooth. said:

Seriously, I would go get it, if it ever existed. In my heart, there is a special place for you. Though I want the feeling to stop disturbing me, I don't want to stop loving you. Its a conflicting emotion, but I think I can live with it. To my future girl: sorry I can only love you with 75% of my heart. Don't ask for more, its the most I can give.

Finally, I'm sorry girl. I hope I can talk to you tonight to make things right. I still have feelings for you. Please don't be angry with me.

i won't die. not yet. not till you're gone. i wanna live to protect you.

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