Saturday, April 28, 2007

藉口- 周杰倫

翻著我們的照片 想念若隱若現
fan zhe wo men de zhao pian / xiang nian ruo yin ruo xian
去年的冬天 我們笑得很甜
qu nian de dong tian / wo men xiao de hen tian
看著妳哭泣的臉, 對著我說再見
kan zhe ni ku qi de lian / dui zhe wo shuo zai jian
來不及聽見 妳已走得很遠
lai bu ji ting jian / ni yi zou de hen yuan

也許妳已經放棄我 也許已經很難回頭
ye xu ni yi jing fang qi wo / ye su yi jing hen nan hui tou
我知道是自己錯過 請再給我一個理由說妳不愛我
wo zhi dao shi zi ji cuo guo / qing zai gei wo yi ge li you shuo ni bu ai wo

就算是我不懂 能不能原諒我
jiu suan shi wo bu dong / neng bu neng yuan liang wo
qing bu yao ba fen shou dang zuo ni de qing qiu
我知道堅持要走 是妳受傷的藉口
wo zhi dao jian chi yao zou / shi ni shou shang de jie kou
請妳回頭 我會陪妳一直走到最後
qing ni hui tou / wo hui pei ni yi zhi zou dao zui hou

就算沒有結果 我也能夠承受
jiu suan mei you jie guo / wo ye neng go cheng shou
我知道妳的痛 是我給的承諾
wo zhi dao ni de tong / shi wo gei de cheng nuo
妳說給過我縱容 沉默是因為包容
ni shuo gei guo wo zong rong / chen mo shi yin wei bao rong
如果要走 請妳記得我
ru guo yao zou / qing ni ji de wo

如果難過 請妳忘了我
ru guo nan guo / qing ni wang le wo

this song written by Jay Chou is stunningly accurate to how I feel, how my life was and is. Its comforting to know that I'm not the only one out there feeling this way, regretting letting the one we loved the most go. And now I can only pray that she wont give me a reason to stop loving me. and if she is to leave that she wont forget me, but if its hurts, then perhaps forgetting me would be the best. Well I dont wish she forgets me. I kinda hate that last line. I mean, true that I want her to be happy but I really dont want her to forget me. If u can go listen to this song. Meaningful lyrics and a beautiful melody that goes with that song.

my life's story...

1 comment:

glendie said...

but.... i kinda like the last line. =p hehhee.