Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Addiction, Cure, Medication?

I just finished talking to her. Its the best thing that happens to me at the start of my everyday. I hope I can do it everyday for as long as I can.

I'm addicted to talking to her. Really. We can go on and on and on talking about various random stuffs and still have a lot to say. Its really fun talking to her very very fun in fact. I used to hate whines. If any girl whined at me I probably dont care or even ask them to shut up. But when she does it, I would want to give in to whatever she was whining about. Its kinda cute the way she does it. I dont know. BIAS you may shout, but yes I think I am.

I really wonder if she is my cure to insanity. I'm a much happier person after talking to her. I wont bother to associate her with him in my thoughts. I just keep her as her in my head. Whatever else I don't need to know. It brings about less misery and crazy thoughts. I just have to keep within my limits and the fine line of best friend and girl friend. I hate that reminder, but its very necessary to keep myself safe from the wrath of God.

I know she isn't my long term cure. I'm still waiting for my angel to come by and take my pain away. but now she is like morphine to a patient in pain. A medication which I kinda need regularly. Yup, I think I do. Hearing her voice at night, knowing that she is safe at home, knowing that she sound asleep in her room is an assurance to me. I become hyper talking her. As I wait for my angel, I wanna be her guardian angel too. I'll go and save her NO MATTER what happens.

as i wait upon my angel to come to me...
i will be an angel to protect thee...

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