Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Sunday

Easter in Covenant doesn't seem like Easter. I don't really know what Easter should be like, but Good Friday at the Expo was a Good Friday service. The service told of Christ's death. The people around Him and how they reacted to Him.

Easter was the day Christ resurrected. I wonder if I should be hearing of His resurrection and the Glory that He would be coming? If I should hear of the power over death, power over everything that has been crucified with Him? I'm not sure of what should be preached on Easter. Today we were told of why we should choose Christ and of His stubborn love for us. But I didn't really get the main point behind the speaker's message. Well I think its right that the service was outreach oriented but there was no one at the altar call. Weird? I don't know. Talking about God's love is not wrong at all. But I wasn't challenged. I don't know, its just that I felt that way.

So after service they went for lunch. I didn't go along. Maybe if Joel was there I might but since he wasn't I didn't want to go. I felt no need to be in a place where my head will wrack on its own. I don't wear a face mask well. I cant smile in the face of sadness. Anyway, I was going to Joe's Kitchen for the anniversary high tea party. I don't need more carbo than I needed. I had only a meal today that is good for a day without exercise.

I had fun driving today. Daddy allowed me to drive from Church to Joe's Kitchen and then from Joe's Kitchen back home. Ok, my same problem of driving too close to the left is still there and I need to improve on that. I also need to know when to brake earlier. Auto cars' engine brake isn't like the manual cars. I hope he will trust me more and allow me to take the car out in the night next time.

I'm glad that she is happy now that she has 2 vodka blacks where initially she couldn't even get one. Oh well, sometimes my effort just don't turn out right. I'll never be the first or the only one. childish thinking? maybe.

im trying not to think of you. but you're in everything i see

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