Thursday, April 19, 2007


My best friend loves using my blog to write stuff for her own. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that she is really adorable.

I cant keep this in anymore and I know of the few people who read this. I'm sorry, but don't laugh at me after reading this alright. and most importantly, don't breathe a word about this.

Seriously, my opinion of her new look, SHE IS HOT. Why? cause she reminds of Raine Yang. And I think Raine Yang is hot and cute and pretty and YOUNG! I'm not lying. That is really what I thought. All that was said to you earlier, was because I just didn't want to admit. How can I happily admit it and then see you with him. I was trying to comfort myself, but I guess its no use. I think, now, you look TOO young for him. (pls don't flame me on this. its just my comments)

I wonder what kinda relationship I'm in with her. On the surface we are best friends. But sometimes, there is more than that. I really don't know. For now, I think we'll just maintain it like this and in 5 years time, I'll see what happens. Maybe I'll lead a single life producing music and helping the Youths.

I really do love her. Please don't doubt it anyone. I'm old enough to know what I need and what I want. Its not superficial neither is it ridiculous. I've thought through about it many many times. I pray that God, you who is in heaven looking down upon me, will bestow more grace and mercy. That this time of pain I go through, you help me to grow in you. Help me to trust in your providence always.

Just a little update for you readers here, HEARTDRIVE is gonna be the new Singapore Christian Worship Rock Band. Really. I wont boast cause its God-given talents that we can do this. But a guy from the music industry says that we are radio friendly. YES! RADIO FRIENDLY! means that we can hit the masses!!! Thank God. We are not in for fame or glory. We just really wanna see many touched by the music we have and turn to God. That is our objective. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Right now I got a sore-eye that I have to take care of, so I guess I'll have to sleep now.

you made me regret not treasuring you.
i pray this is a test, let me pass it please Father.
i'll continue to grow and be part of the will you have.


glendie said...

GO HEARTDRIVE GO! number one fan! muahahahhaha!

Vin- said...

nothing is official yet. but yea, thanks. For live wedding band we do charge a high price...