Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This kinda life

Just came back from hanging out with the gang. Well the gang has changed a little bit. No longer an all guys thing cause nick has a new girl and girls travel in packs. So yea, still the same old guys just fewer of them with nick's girl(Ruth) and Tracy(Peirce Sec).

Its fun hanging out with them. Staying in the studio the whole day for too long can make one go insane. True that the company there is cool too. But you need to hang out with your best buds. Nick is my best bud. When I ask him for an ipod USB cable since he got a new ipod, he offered me the new cable though he could have just given me the old one. Nice guy nick. No other in the world can I find another like that. Everyone has their short comings, but I have no regrets having a best bud like nick.

Yes, though I'm now even more tired than the previous post, I'm satisfied. Having fulfill the social void which I have been having for sometime. These friends of mine, I really wish I can bring them to Christ. I dont know how, but I guess, being different would help. Really standing out from the rest of the world.

I pray that Lord they would come to know you one day, till then, keep out friendship close and solid. I really treasure them. These are the kinda friends I want my girl to meet. I think the word to use is "si dang" (paiseh my chinese sucks). They dont wear a mask, everyone just being themselves having fun in each other's company. This kinda life is PRICELESS.

Ok, I think I better sleep soon. Tomorrow is another long day at the studio and I think I might be doing some recording of the Electric guitar. Ciao.

i really want the girl in your will now lord,
though i rather it be given in your time...

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