Saturday, May 5, 2007

Its time...

I just came back from band practise and this would be our last meeting with the producer before we hit the studio. So we played through the rest of the songs that he didn't manage to hear the last time he met us. He commented that we have hair raising songs, able to touch hearts songs and radio friendly songs. We have stuffs that is groovy too! We are good basically.

To God be the GLORY!

I'm really excited about this man. We are half way through the beginning as told by our producer and things are beginning to take shape too. We are really a versatile band as our songs are like many other bands out there. Ryan writes well, he is able to write songs in many genre and still keep things fresh.

So next Wednesday would be the start of the recording. Most of our recordings are done in the night which means that I'm going to be home late. Sigh, not sure if I'll get to talk to her.

She looked very very pretty and sweet today. Green tank top with sequins round the collar, a long pink skirt with strips of green and purple and some other colour of which I cant remember now. Its the kinda skirt you'll get at "Fond Hug". With her pinned up hair and light make up, she looked picture perfect.

She called while I was bathing. Guess how many missed call she gave, 7. Gosh, the first person who had given me so many missed calls. Tonight would probably be one of the shortest conversation we ever had. It was for about 7mins only. We couldn't talk for long as she had tuition the next morning and I didn't want her to suffer from the lack of sleep. Not her fault, I came back late to begin with... so, oh well.

Ever wondered why for so long you have lived without a certain someone and now suddenly you realise you cant live without the person? For me, I have. For 20 odd years in my life I have lived without her. Suddenly. in my 20th year of living, I realise I cant live without her. I wont be me without her. I would be someone else.

Its like for 20 years you could carry on with life. But when you have found this special someone whom you want to live the rest of your life with, you will feel that life from then on without her would be not worth living. Everyday would be mundane without excitment. Love you wife as yourself. That is the command in the Bible. Without your wife, you wont be what you are. So love her like you would love yourself.

I think, I'll love my wife more than myself. I'm nothing without her. But between the girl and God, God is definitely first. I'm trusting in you Lord though I'm worried about my future and my life. You know who I want and need and what is best for me. I pray that I live in your will.

without you, there wont be me...

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