Saturday, March 31, 2007

happy night

and so I decided to ask her if she is giving me the cold treatment. She told me she isn't, its just that she cant bear to look at me in the eye. Why? cause she felt guilty of breaking my heart. I tried to assure her that I'm fine but she told me that she the same reason why I couldn't look at her the same way as before, " i cant forget u.... i cant seem to treat u like a fren anymore..." "i still like u a lot..."

A smile slipped onto my face. I was so super damn freaking madly insanely whatever other superlatives you can use-ly HAPPY! but I controlled my emotions. I told her to pray hard and think hard. She made her first choice before, she had chosen him. She wants to think about it again.

I'm fine no matter what her decision might be. Being her friend now at this moment is fine with me. It'll be an unexpected surprise if she decided to choose me in the end. But whatever her decision might be, I hope she'll be happy. that is the most important thing.

After talking about all these I told her that so as long as she can look at me and smile that would be good enough for me. and to my surprise she invited me to view her webcam. I had hell of a fun playing with the webcam. She smiled a very sweet smile and I wonder if "print screen" works... guess what? it DID! I had fun spamming as she did many expressions. She is really pretty and cute. My list is as accurate as it is. Alt+Tabbing back and forth from msn to fireworks, I had quite a few pictures taken. I now have 12 still webcam shots of her. I'm happy just looking at them. I could have taken more if Nick didn't ask me out for supper. But its ok, I have to be fair to Nick, cannot zhong se qing you.

So yea going out to eat, I crashed my diet. But I think its the first and the last time. I dont think that is that good for me. Yes it satisfies the hunger but ultimately not good overall. I'll exhibit more self-control in the future.

Coming back from supper I decided to take all the pictures I took and make a wallpaper. I had fun doing it. I think I don't have enough to make a good wallpaper. I need more random pictures. Now its either black and white or Blue, it kinda look boring. need more vibrant colours. I took a picture of it using my handphone and MMS to her. now its the wallpaper on my handphone. I think I'll change it before I go out, just in case people sees it. I'm not shy, but I don't want to give her problems. I had a good night sleep. Slept well through the night :) something I have not done for the past few nights. I'm feeling good today :)

I pray that I would be your choice :)


glendie said...

very fun hor.... =p i tink i look quite funny in the pictures.

Vin- said...

not really... u actually look very pretty =)