Monday, October 15, 2012


If shes amazing, she wont be easy.
If shes easy, she wont be amazing.
If shes worth it, you wont give up.
If you give up, you're not worthy.

Easier said than done. Try being the one on the other side. Giving up isnt because its not worth it or that the guy/girl aint worthy. I give up because my poor heart just cant take it. Imagine rising and falling a million time in a span of a day. The thrill of a rollercoaster ride becomes more like a death sentence with each drop. You would become an emotional wreak before you even know it. It affects the people all around you with that sudden gloom in your countenance. Giving up isnt a wussy decision. There are times to give up and try again later. If you were meant to be (as they always say) she'll be there at the end of the day, cause something special inside the both of you sparked off and you know its not the same with anyone else.

Then again, sometimes you have to know your value. I must say you have to be realistic. Wanna date a supermodel? Sure, are you of the same calibre? Perhaps the not worthy part is about you and where you stand. Society is harsh. Poor and rich, social status, etc... they play a part in saying what you are worth.

But I believe everyone is worthy. That is why Christ died. I know what this statement is trying to say and I agree with it to a certain extend but, I still believe that EVERYONE IS WORTHY. If you truly believe and keep on keeping on, keep on trying, knowing your heart wont die out on you or that your emotions are strong enough to hold of the rejection times after time, I say GO FOR IT! Know what you are in for and pursue it passionately. If you give up as mentioned above, I wont look down on you or be a wet blanket. But like the loving Father, I would embrace you and ask you to try again. You know what makes you smile and cry, so try again and look out for that (another?) her. Trust Him. ALL things work for the good of those who love Him.

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