Monday, October 1, 2012

Answer to Drumming...

The single most popular question I get asked is...
"If you could only share JUST ONE piece of advice to help
me improve my drumming - what would it be?"
This is a great question and I spent a number of years really trying to come up with the perfect answer. On the one hand, I don't believe there is any one tip or trick that can radically change anyone's drumming ability overnight.  On the other hand, I really felt that this question deserved a good answer.
Then it clicked! I realized that the fact I was struggling to come up with an answer was part of the answer itself... It takes TIME!
You see - drumming isn't about any one tip or trick. Instead, it is about steady progress that builds momentum over time! Avoid falling into the trap of looking for a quick-solution and instead focus on consistent daily progress!

The real key to drumming success is simply staying motivated through daily progress. The more
progress we make - the more motivated we become, and the more motivated we become - the more we want to keep progressing. Then one day we suddenly realize how quickly we've improved!
- Jared Falk

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