Monday, November 8, 2010

Tony Kim

That was the guest speaker at ANC last week from Fri to Sun and he is really a very normal person who is passionate about Jesus. He is very similar to Sarah, they both teach and the wanna activate the body to do the work and they take a step back and let Jesus work through others. He said his calling is to make others great. If you are doing better than him, he is going to be a fan of yours. He has no issues with you becoming greater.

Below are the points which I have noted for 3 different sessions. I enjoyed his teaching.

Session 1:

- Covenant family isnt about what I can get from you but what I can give to you.
(The context is that this is his first time in asia and first time meeting with Ps Chris and he knows that this isnt going to be the last time. He has a bond with this place)

- A new wave that God is creating with a new generation. (Generation here is defined as young and old. Not just the youths or the young adults. Its everyone who is living now.)
(He said this because he had a dream about asia and Malaysia and Singapore were one of the few countries he saw. He saw pillars of fire fall in these countries and revival happened in these places)

- Inheirtance is something that you get without you working. You are gaining someone's else's hard work. And if you planned this for generations to come, each generation will move in a greater measure because the legacy that is left behind will grow and each ceiling becomes the next's floor. The standards can only get higher!

- If we declare the good news but there is no demonstration, that is only half truth. Jesus declare and demonstrated what the kingdom was.

- With God there is no failure. So if you do not pass the test, you will have to keep doing it over and over again till you pass. This is how God works on your character. Each time when the test looks similar, ask God to teach you how to pass it. What character or which part of your life he is refining.

- David embraced the process of promise, so did Joseph. What you did in secret, any battle you win in the private will give you victory in public. (I wonder if its the same with sin, just that God wont expose it cause He is love)

- Attitude shows the position of the heart.

- "Jesus went and cleared the temple. Isnt our body also the temple of the Holy Spirit? Jesus who resides there wants to clear the tables and the altars that are not of Him. My house shall be called a house of prayer, I propose that you are that house, praying without ceasing!" - Tony Kim

- You have authority over what you overcome.

Session 2:
- When God asks a question, there is a point behind it. Eg, Who do they say that I am. And who do you say that I am.

The context is taken from Matt 16:13-16
Man needs affirmation but Jesus doesnt. It is always easy to answer a question directed at someone else but is it easy to answer one that is directed at you?

- If you wanna go to the next level of supernatural, there is a price to pay; Your Reputation. Do you dare to be ridiculous for God?

- Here we did an exercise: What does God think about you.
"You are an overcomer. You were made to rise up in a crisis and be a great leader. One of the 24 thrones in heaven belongs to you and you reign with me. You have a very gentle heart that loves like no other. That is why I love you so much, I am teaching you to love not just what is easy, or what you like but also those who are difficult and different. But you'll lose being cool around others."

- Thanksgiving increases the measure of God's blessings (as shown with the 5 loaves and 2 fishes)

- Be faithful with what you have.

- God doesnt endorse what we wanna do, but He endorses what we are already doing.

- Compassion is the ingredient to walking in the supernatural. Jesus did all these miracles because He sees what the Father is doing and also because He has compassion in His heart.

Session 3:

(Context of the message is taken from Acts during the Pentecost)
- Why do we gather as a church? One, it is to meet up and encourage each other. The other is to be as a body of Christ, waiting for Him to come and meet us. That is the way we party. With Him, in His presence!

- Prayer, God writes history on the backs of intercessors.
(The disciples then were just gathering and praying in the upper room.)

- The number 12 stands for government.
(They cast lots to determine who would replace Judas.)

- Before God pours out new wine, the wine skin has to be complete.
(The 12 member who replaced Judas completed the wine skin.)

(Here he went on to talk about church governance and the role of Apostle, Prophet, Teachers, Pastors and Evangelist. And on this current age where Pastors lead the church and people wants Teachers to teach on the word.)

- "We need to let go of being intellectuals. Yes, knowledge is good. I am not against studying of the word or knowing the word in its original meaning in Greek or Hebrew or anything of that such. But What I am saying here is that we need to let go and stop trying to understand or trying to comprehend what God is doing. Isnt it a wonder why we have no peace when the bible says that He gives us peace beyond understanding and here we keep trying to understand what He is doing." Tony Kim
(addition from Alvin Ong)
What we need to do now is to see where He is at work and join Him. Understanding of His will and what He is doing will come when He reveals His heart to you. He will tell you what He is doing cause in John 15:15 He promised that He will make things known to you as He has called us friends.

- True leadership is not about how much authority you have but how much freedom is given.

- Pursue love and desire gifts (of the Holy Spirit). The gifts of the five fold ministry is from Jesus (to His body, the church) and these are not chased after. They are given by Jesus as a calling.

- The role of the 5 fold ministry is to help the body do the stuffs that Jesus did! The five fold ministry is not only the governance of the church, its also the foundation of the church. That means that it gets stepped upon that others can rise up. Its servant leadership as Jesus demonstrated. How many understand that the bigger the infrastructure the stronger and deeper the foundation has to be.

- The bible says to make disciples of all nations. Not make disciples of all people. We need to know what we are doing. (Selah)

- The river that flows from the throne is deepest away from the throne. And that means our of our comfort zone if we wanna go deep. And the best part is that we can breathe underwater.

- If we were made to give, how did we get tired of giving? Its because we give away somethings that we are supposed to keep. That is when we get burnt out. If we give, we have to give away out of our overflow. How to be overflowing? To be in His presence continually. We are supposed to leak!

(This is in context of the story of Gideon. When the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, "God is with you, O Valiant Warrior." Gideon was then hiding in the wine press thrashing wheat. He was feeling insignificant and small but the Angel of the Lord called him otherwise, which is a prophetic declaration. The three words "O VALIANT WARRIOR" changed his life. Judges 6-7)

- God knows that if He allows us to do what He has promised but our hearts are not in the right position yet, we will proclaim that we did it in our own strength.

- God wants our hearts to be in the right position, totally dependent on Him so that He can work through us.

- When you see the bad side of things, ask God for what could be instead. And declare the instead, which is the gold in others.

Prophetic word from Tony Kim:
"You'll be playing more than just instruments. You are an instrument itself. You will be composing, producing and I see a record label in your heart. A name will be given for your label and you'll be releasing prophetic sound of heaven onto earth. I sense a strong Davidic anointing on your life and you will be teaching generations on how to live a life of worship. Fathering a movement for this generation."

Exciting times ahead yea? ANC is in its Kairos moment. I am so glad to be part of it. Here and now! It seems like where ever I go, I am part of the most Charismatic Protestant Denominations(eg, CPC: most charismatic Presbyterian Church; ANC most Charismatic Brethren Church) which are not known for being charismatic at all. I think I am an atmosphere changer, a radical :D

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