Monday, November 15, 2010

Dreams to Reality?

Last night I had the weirdest dream ever. Before I even start about that dream, I realise that most of my dreams are weird. Weird in the sense that its a combination of things that would never seem to happen and I have no idea what's its meaning. Best part of it is that I cant even place if its from God or purely my sub-conscious making up a fantasy world to satisfy its desire.

Anyhow, so this dream was about me studying in ICOM and it was the last paper of the semester. The things is that somehow, this isnt like ICOM. ICOM is small and all but this place was huge, much like Hogwarts kinda college. In a very majestic and like an ancient building/castle sort of.

So it was my last paper and I was happily going down the stairs when on one of the mid landings Nicholas (my best buddy and friend since secondary school) called me to hurry up go home to play World of Warcraft (I have not touch that game for ages by the way) and I was like ok, I will hurry. So as I was quickly going down the stairs I could hear a sharp whining sound of a generator that was over working and that sound was gradually getting louder and louder. Somehow the thought was AJ(Rafael the youtube star) was recording something and he over worked the generator and he cant switch it off. As the thought hit me, I ran for the main doors and just before I reach it, the generator exploded and the whole school was blown to ruins.

Somehow I know that God was the one who protected me in a dome like shield. I was unhurt even when the building was blown into bits. Like as though it was a single level building and its roof/walls were blown away. As I got up, I heard one of the staff, who is a good friend also, shouting "Why does thing happen every semester? Why do these students do stupid things like this and blow school up?!" I was surprised at what he said , after all, this is only my first semester here. But I was glad he is alive. As I walked around I found more of my friends who were alive but when I didnt see my group of people who I hanged out with I started feeling very sad. In my mind I assumed that they didnt make it out alive in time.

As the rescue team came and lead us away to the safety zone, I saw Dean (my best senior friend) and I ran all the way to hug him. I was so glad he was alive and he was here cause when the school blew up, he was eating and that group that I always hangout with was with him. I WAS SO GLAD! I hugged them all and was just happy that everyone was alright. Then I felt a hand tapping me. It was Shan. All these while I never noticed that she was there and I wasnt looking for her in particular but when I saw her I hugged her and she never let go of my hands after. As we waited in that safety zone for whatever reason, I held her hands and when she told me that she was tired, I held her while she slept.

Thats all that I remembered from this dream. I think I had another one, but cant recall at all now. But anyhow ya. Isnt this weird? Somehow I always dream of people I truly loved. I had one about Vanny, which I can still remember very vividly... now its Shan. I really wonder what is my mind or sub-conscious doing, or is this from God?

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