Sunday, November 14, 2010

Beautiful Imperfection

I was just browsing facebook whern I saw a video shared by my NS unit officer titled: Love Language.

Out of curiousity, I clicked on it to find out if the same one that we talked about in the YA. This video really changed my view on what perfection is and questioned my acceptance of others.

Watching this short video and the music that went along with it, stirred up a deep emotion within me. I was touched. I was touched by the simplicity of the love the guy had for this girl.

I was thinking, what if I were the guy in the video. Could I say that "You're still beautiful?" Would I have reacted in a really negative way and never want to see this girl again?

I find that yes, some people who are born with defect or are handicap either at birth or later in life seem to have much hate and self pity. But am I able to look pass that? Am I able to accept them first with their imperfection and then deal with the rest of these issues later?

I talked to God why I thought of them this way initially and why do I now seem to have a sudden deep empathy for them?

I thought hard about it and relating to the video, I felt that the girl is actually pretty enough for me to accept her for being deaf. I actually think that talking via writing is actually better for me cause I wont hurt her that much as compared to talking. I talk to fast for my own good. Words hardly go through my brains, it just come straight out of my mouth. When I write I have to think, how I phrase it and the spelling and all that takes a longer process then talking.

As I thought about this it sort of occurred to me that people who are deaf or mute or blind are sort of more creative. These defect/handicap seem to have made their other senses more acute. I mean God is a great God, He doesnt make anything bad. I have no idea how imperfections like these come about (like why did he allow the devil to steal or destroy this ability?), but I can live with mystery and above that I can live and wait out for a miracle to manifest. In the words of De wen, "I believe that its healed already. I'm just waiting for the healing to manifest." This is the greatest testimony that I think a person can give to God for. Not that He made a defect to make it good again so that He can be glorified. But I believe that in His goodness, He would never make a person handicap. We are born into a fallen world and the devil has come to steal kill and destroy. Whatever he has stolen or destroyed, we can claim it back in the name of Jesus and restore what God has intended it to be in the beginning. This is what Jesus meant by "on earth as it is in heaven".

Somehow thoughts like this scares me. Its like God saying "Nice one son, you finally got the idea. Now how about a wife who is really beautiful but is deaf/mute/blind? Would you accept her and love her like I do? Or how about a son/daughter who is deaf/mute/blind or any defects? Are you able to love him/her like I do? You know these thoughts brings tears to my eyes cause I feel the pain the Father feels when He sees His creation like this.

Yet He has a greater plan in Heaven to use you to manifest His love and His power just as it was written in Isaiah 61 and fulfilled by Jesus who read it in Luke 4:18-19, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to PROCLAIM RELEASE to the captives, and RECOVERY OF SIGHT to the blind, TO SET FREE those who are oppressed, to proclaim the favourable year of the Lord". And we are able to do all these because "He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." And "Greater things you shall do when I go to my Father."

The promises of Jesus never fails. His love never fails, His death has given us victory over any circumstances.

On the more human side of me, I was just thinking. If lets say I really do have a girlfriend who is beautiful and to die for but she is say, deaf. Maybe she is really creative and can draw very well (think prophetic art) or have an artistic eye (think photography). Even if she is mute, I think its still fine. I think I would only be upset if she is blind. I dont know how to accept if she is blind. I dont know why, that is what I was thinking about, what I can accept and what I cant.

But in anycase, right now, if God really wants to do something like this to me, like what I mentioned above, I am ready to accept someone who is deaf or mute.

"Perfect love cast out all fear..."

1 comment:

Joyce G. said...

not only when perfect love casts out all fears but when love casts out a multitude of sins :) You'll see beyond and look into the heart past a person's past, imperfections and flaws and yeap, physical disabilities.

I have so far found many young ladies who are young/deaf and mute, they really do have a different kind of beauty, for a different kind of love :)and a different kind of lover i always hope they find:D