Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life of Miracles

I used to be a skeptic. If a miracle happened, I would like to find logical or scientific explanations first before even acknowledging that God could have put it all together out of coincidence or what not.

After I believed that Miracles can happen, I only believed that it should happen one at a time.

This experience with God and the promise I made to Him changed all these false beliefs radically.

Yes, for 2 years I have been exposed to the life of a supernatural disciple and I have experience supernatural grace, favour and provisions in my life. But due to the lack in seeing physical healing, my doubts and unbelief in regards to instant miracles started to creep in.

Friday after school, I arranged for my car to be sent to the workshop for repainting works and servicing. I left school at 5:30pm as I expected a jam and I had to be at the workshop by 6:30pm. I decided to use my iPhone maps since the last time I used it I managed to get to my destination.

This time round it decided to fail me. Firstly, getting there in a jam caused me to be a little late, so I prayed that the lady would have a customer and work late. Out of courtesy I called to inform her and she said that she is going to extend her opening hours by 30min. I thought thank God, now I have more time to get there.

Next, my fuel was running low.It was slightly above the red mark when I left, now it was in the red zone. I didnt see any Shell station on my way and I didnt want to waste time going to fill the car so I prayed that the petrol will never run out, at least not while I'm driving to the workshop. At 7pm the lady called me again and I told her that I was caught in a jam and I had missed the turn. That was when I started to panic.

One was that I was running late, two, I dont have much fuel left in my tank, three, I was rather far off the direction the GPS was giving me, four, I wasnt even sure if the GPS knew where I wanted to go exactly and lastly, because I was using the GPS on my phone all the way, the battery dropped from 70% to 6%.

Out of desperation I prayed that God, today shall be the day I see miracles happen in my life. Not one a day or a week, but all the time, any time. Miracles will happen because You are Love and out of Love You make all things good for those who love you. I wanna see you at work all the time. And I promise to share about this/blog about this if I get out of this perfectly fine.

That was when I made the right turn and came to a point where my GPS couldn't tell me what's next. Instinctively I made a right turn and I saw a rather familiar place and decided to turn in. Guess what? I was spot on that place I was looking for and the kind lady was waiting for me.

I cant express how joyful and thankful I was. Living in a life under so much grace produces miracles. Yea, small ones but still miracles no doubt. And I wanna press on and press into this new belief system that grace, faith and love produces miracles.

Last week was a hell-ish week: ICA2+Tribute+Friday Performance. I was in school from 8:30am till 9pm everyday. It was tiring, but somehow rather fun.

Last week I also read Exodus 1-4 as that was what my cell was doing and I found this very interesting...

I'm sure that you all know the story of Moses, how he was saved from being put to death and how he was raised in the Palace of Pharaoh. This is a boy who lived and grew up as the Prince of Egypt. What I found contradicting was that when he ran away after killing an Egyptian and was wandering for a long time, God met him in the burning bush and after showing him 2 more miracles, God asked him to speak to Pharaoh to let His people go and Moses response was this, I am not eloquent enough and am slow of speech and tongue.


One: You were trained in the Palace, the number 1 place for education and to learn the language and all that. Your tutors were the best in the kingdom. How can you not be eloquent and say that you are slow in speech and tongue?!

Two: Being able to talk to God face to face is less scary than talking to Pharaoh who is merely a man?!

Three: How could anyone, after meeting God not feel encouraged or emboldened to speak to Pharaoh? Even after the two miracles that He has shown you, plus also the bush that was burning yet not consumed?!

This man who was raised as royalty, had seen miracles, spoke to God, heard His voice, was more convinced in his own inabilities than God's abilities. No wonder God's anger was kindled against him.

This story reminded me about how besides knowing one's identity, we also need to remind ourselves who God is. We can keep telling ourselves that we are prince and princesses, others can remind us of who we are, but the true power isnt just knowing who we are, but also operating under the right authority. If I know that I am a prince but I think that I have no authority, then I will be powerless. But I know my identity and I know who validates me and authorize me, then I can live a life of power.

Apart from all these, matters of hearts are highly fragile. Knowing what you want is very important, dont go round hurting other while you are figuring out what you want. And a promise is a promise, He will see it through, you can discern what is right or not in your heart. This is a reminder to myself... A very very STERN reminder.