Thursday, October 21, 2010

P is for...

PARAMORE! Yes, last night I was at PARAMORE's concert. Well, not technically last night since its 1:20am now... I was at PARAMORE LIVE IN KL, Bukit Jalil Stadium, 19 Oct. I have a photo with Hayley Williams (YAY!) and a autographed poster, which I have actually given it away. (ask me if you wanna know any great story that happened man :D)

The show was mind blowing. The crowd/fans were sooooo good, Paramore were very entertaining and I must say that the overall experience was fantastic, because I was there with someone who made it all special.

The next P is for Prophetic. This week I saw a level of prophesy I have never really seen before. Things that I say not quite consciously came to pass. As in I was kinda like half joking, half I might actually do it if it happens kind of remarks. And things just happened.

The last P is Power. "and you shall see my Power over this land that I have given you" This was the line I heard when I was about to type the last P. I didnt know what to say, but yea, this just came.

I say that I have been so blessed, protected, loved, grace given, favoured that nothing seems impossible to me anymore. Last week or two ago, when I said I wanted to live a life that is miracles filled is starting to happen now. My fuel has never run out to the point that the car dies, even when I am desperately late and running to get somewhere fast. He always provide me with a petrol station. I see the amount of favour in my life that I now I shouldnt be afraid of doing anything crazy out of obedience.

2 weeks ago, I injured my wrist while moving things for my school's show. Uncle Hock Seng asked that weekend in house church if anyone needed a prayer for healing. Well I didnt say anything but I told God that I wanted to help push for this culture of supernatural working in this natural. To see faith in this church like never before. So I told Him, heal my wrist so that I can testify for Him. Within that week, my wrist was healed. That same week, I was about to fall sick with flu. I took more vitamins and prayed that it will clear and the Faithful One healed me.

As much as I used logic and sense to take care or take better care of myself, I would not push aside the miraculous power that God has in my life. I believe that I was healed because He could just let it be and my illness would have been worse.

I would have more to say, if only I had blogged last week, but man, I was so busy with the Tribute to ABBA and Queen (which was a blast by the way) that I didnt have the time to do so.

My point is that God's power is now living in my life. I may not be as religious (or disciplined in the sense of religiosity,) but God isnt worried about the form. He looks at the core of the heart, the matter of things, the thoughts in the head and not the surface level of things that man can see. He is teaching me not to judge with my human eyes. I need to see with the lens of God, to know the heart of the matter. This is one of my biggest problem now. I see only the problems and not the heart of the matter or the man in this case. I believe that behaviour reflects what going on deep within, but He is also telling and teaching me that behaviour is not a fair judgment of a person's character. Though it does show the symptoms if any problems are arising but its not a point for judgment. It is, however, a great testimony and a very powerful one in fact when behaviour is able to show the glory of God. That is one of my next goals. and a belief that I hold strong to.

I feel really blessed at the moment, I've found someone to love. Though she is friendly, but I'm not sure if she is interested as yet... I am still getting to know her. I just did an open mic performance at Mosaic Community Studios and the audiences were so kind to Clinton and I even though it was really so last minute and so lacking in practice. I dont know why but I am so peaceful now typing this. I think its because Jesus is next to me now and He is just smiling and chilling with me. Leaving all the hectic things behind and being in this moment of realisation is just an awesome feeling. The weight of Glory can be felt and I am just being still now. (Live update)

Im just sitting still here, paralysed by the awesomeness of His presence and at peace. I am going to stop now to talk to Him.

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