Monday, September 27, 2010

Interesting Thoughts

Yes, its 2am now and I have replied 1 email, send 1 out and am starting to blog.

A thought just came into my mind just before I was about to write this blog. Where is the balance between sonship and discipleship? Is sonship higher than discipleship?

This morning at house church, Uncle Hok Seng shared a very interesting story that I really liked. In UK, apartments have backyards where resident can tend a garden or grow some plants for consumption. In the apartment that he lived in, he lived at the 4th level and from his window he could see the backyard of his apartment and some others in the neighbourhood. Some backyards are very well kept and some others were messy and ugly. But when winter came and snow starts falling, in a matter of a day, everyone's backyard looks the same. It was white with a thick layer of snow. The lives of people are very much the same as these backyards. Be it you live a clean and well kept life or your life is simply a mess, when the Jesus died for you, His blood like the snow covered our life and we all are the same.

There is no condemnation in Christ. And I really like this illustration. Now I understand the meaning of songs where it says that His blood cleanses me whiter than snow. In the literal sense of it and how His blood can cover the multitude of sins in my life and present me white and clean before God the Father. This truth is just amazing and it really rocked my world.

The second illustration was from Pastor Dexter from another church. He asked, "How can a fish, which has been living and breathing and swimming in the salted water of the sea for so long, needs to be preserved or flavoured by rubbing salt on it?"

The body of the fish didnt allow the salt in the salt waster to penetrate into its body. Like wise, we who are in the world must not be of the world. We cannot allow the salt(values) of the world to penetrate into our lives. We have to flavour our lives with the salt(values) of God. The salt(values) of God will preserve us and cause us to be flavourful to those around us. Salt cannot lose its flavour unless its chemical bonding is changed, therefore salt can only get diluted. So God's value in Christians are not lost, its that it has been diluted by the things of the world.

I dont know if you understood these illustrations, but its just something I would like to think about. If you have anything to say or point out, please do comment.

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