Monday, September 13, 2010

Awesome Explosion

This weekend has been a blast. Oh Lord how can I ever thank you for that. Its level of Divine-ness is firstly too much to comprehend and the amount of company was overwhelming. Jesus, you are BEYOND amazing!

This weekend was they Hari Raya weekend and ANC has invited Mr Watchman Ngiam and his team (Shih Yang-CPC, De Wen-GTC, Wilson-GTC, Alice Ong-GTC) to come speak and minister to us. It was my term break week and I had a good time catching up with friends and eating good food.

I knew Watchman was coming up to KL to speak and I planned to go back earlier to catch him. Little did I know that in His awesome ways, He managed to plan a drive up to KL with Watchman, his team and 4 pretty ladies. En Min, Eunice, Joyce and Pat JieJie all came up with me to KL! What a bonus!

I drove Pat JieJie's car, a Sabaru Legacy and woooooh, this car is really powerful. Low rev engine with great horsepower. Fell in love with the car the moment I sat in the driver's seat!

The plan up for this trip has been difficult. Issues were flying all over the place and I really felt bad inviting them to come up with me. However, we all felt that need and the desire to come to KL. We knew the trip was much needed, but honestly I didnt know why it mattered so much.

I'm going to cut the story real short and am just going to capture the essence of this blog.

We arrive in PJ on fri and session one and two began. As we only slept about 2-4hrs the night before, we crashed really early on fri. Sat morning we had a lesson on Sozo and a little bit on Shabar and in the afternoon we had Treasure Hunt. After treasure hunt I kept telling De Wen that since we ended so early lets hang out and so after dinner about 8:30pm we hangout till 3am.

Well, we started just talking and sharing at first, but as we talked, Wilson started asking some questions and things got a little more serious. (I realise that Wilson's style is quite the facilitator kinda and he loves asking questions) Later Wilson shared with me that when he saw me on fri morning outside Watchman's house, he knew that he would be having a divine appointment with me. Well what went on was this.

He started asking me, " What can God do for you? "

I thought that this was a rather odd question. I mean, there are wants that I tell God, but there isnt anything God can do for me cause I dont have a problem in that sense. I love to do His will and whatever He pleases to do with me, I'll do. He then later explain that God loves our thoughts. What we say to Him matters. Obedience is good, but God didnt create Robots, He created Human Beings, who are made in His image breathed into life by His breath, and that is why we can think thoughts like His and what we think matters to Him, even though He knows it already.

God called Moses friend, because Moses understood God's heart. When God wanted to destroy Israel, Moses managed to talk God out of it. Did you actually think that God didnt know all that? NO! He knew and He wanted to see if a Man, Made in His own image could ever knew and understand the heart of God.

He then told me that he sense that the level of Love God has for me is so great that He would stop all that He was doing and focus all His attention to me when I call out to Him. I was really happy at that revelation. In fact my name means Beloved of all. And how precious this truth is to me.

Wilson then went on to explain to me, many things that happen like Miracles, Signs and Wonder and even Salvation is acted upon this thing called Love. God is love. To understand Love is to know God. In Him there is perfect Love. We can be chasing signs and wonder and all that even gifts but of what use are these when we do not know the back-end of why they even happen. The point in tell me this is that Miracles, Signs and Wonders are good, but God wants me to go with Him to the next level, to understand the power of Love and Grace. These two are the mechanism behind all things that happen. We all know this, chase the giver not the gifts, but this is easier said that done. The gift excites people more than the giver. Its only when you have a relationship with the giver would the gift cease to excite and become truly useful to you.

This divine appointment I have with God and Wilson is that God wants me to know that this is my Kairos moment. This is the 'level up' time. He told me that there is this secret place that I know for me to meet God and there many mysteries will be revealed to me. he told me that the key to this place has been given to me and I can access it. He also told me that he met the Arch Angel Gabriel and Gabriel gave him a blue mantle and that he is now passing it to me. He also told me that the Angel of Host that I've seen before is an Angel appointed to the nation of Singapore and that I carry one of the puzzle and key to a great movement of God that is going to be poured in His Kairos moment. He also added that there is a core within me that is going to burst forth. He said that is like a nuclear explosion.

That was the word I had that very morning while having breakfast with the girls. The word Awesome Explosion came into mind.

I want to talk to Wilson more, maybe email him or something to prick his brains and his thoughts on some questions that I have. I can feel the excitement in God's heart as I realise more about Him and His thoughts towards me. And as Wilson revealed to me the destiny he sees in my life, I am gearing up to be ready for that moment that is yet to come. A great sense of excitement and anticipation is flowing all over my body as I type this out.

My goal for the rest of this year and this season in time is to learn more about God from that Secret place and to live and rule from the heavenly place that God has placed me at with Jesus.

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