Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Process of Promises

"Sometimes we forget that God takes a long time to work Suddenly."

"Gift of discernment anointed by jealousy becomes suspicion."

"Trials are not a test of character but the test of Faith."

"Sometimes we wanna protect the person we love. We wanna keep them safe and unhurt, away from the trials of life. But God is shouting to you, "Hey, I'm molding a great man/woman here, hello, stop interfering..."

"Everyone has trouble, under the surface, everyone has their struggles."

"There is no temptation except that which is common to all men... and women."

"Buying things externally doesnt fix things internally"

"God provides a way of escape so that you could pass through it. 'Escape' and 'pass through it' dont seem to go together. Escape means I get around it, but God says, you're going through it."

"Temptation is not sin. For it to be a temptation I need to have a natural desire for it. It has to draw me. It is when I agree with the desire that I have sinned. Eg: When a naked beautiful woman runs up to the stage now, all normal men in this room would be tempted. It is when in my mind I say "I want her, I like to have sex with her", that is the point when I have sinned. You dont even have to touch her or do anything physically, when you agree with the desire in your mind, you've sinned."

"Temptations are the trials that are molding you. Your job is to manage your appetite, not get rid of it. Manage it"

"Now Joseph got thrown into prison (because he resisted the wife of his master and got falsely accused of raping her.) and God says that he is a successful man. Not because he was in prison, but because when he was thrown into prison, he gained favour with the chief jailer and became overseer of all the prisoners."

"When you put a prince into a prison, he makes the prison a palace."

"Your inner world determines your outer world, not vice versa. You're supposed to live from the inside out."

"No one can make you happy, sad or depressed. You choose to have whatever attitude you want. Nobody makes you mad, you chose to be mad. Mad is in there and the circumstances drew it out of you. You cant draw out what isnt in there. Trials dont make you mad, trails just reveals what's in there."

"If you give birth to something prematurely, you need an artificial support system to keep it alive."

"Favour is a trial"

"If you need money, you dont ask for blessing, you ask for money. Cause God's idea of blessing is not the same as our understanding. God is in people making business and God uses trials in your life to mold into the person that He's called you to be. When God says you will be blessed, God lives in eternity, time is not a measure or factor to Him."

"How many of you figured out that God is not in a hurry? When God says "I am going to bless you", God is going to bless you. His idea of blessing you and your idea of blessing you is not necessary the same."

"The blessings that we are experiencing right now, is the years that we have been sowing for the past 20 years."

"God does not measure success the way you measure success."

"Look at King Saul. God delivers him 2 victories against the Philistines and God commanded that kill them all, let none live, yet King Saul kept some sheeps and the Philistine King alive. And God sent Samuel to Saul to tell him that God has split his kingdom into two and give it to someone else. You may look like you're winning, but in fact you're the loser. Your circumstances may not look like it seems. You may think that you are losing, but God is training you to be a winner."

"Obedience is better than sacrifice."

"God is not against wealth, God is against wealth owning you. God doesnt care that you own money, He cares if its going to own you. That fame doesnt own you, that significance doesnt own you. That God alone owns you."

"And our job is to make sure that we dont make agreement with temptation, so that God can take us from the pit and the prison into the Palace. And when we get to the Palace, we wont be like King Saul, when we get into the Palace we can stay in the Palace cause we have beaten our giants little by little."

-Kris Vallotton (some parts have been paraphrased by Alvin Ong)

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