Thursday, September 2, 2010

Grace + Favour + Love

Today truely an awesome day. There is so much to give thanks for even if the day didnt start well at all.

But before I continue, I like to thank all TEACHERS and wish them a HAPPY TEACHERS DAY (yes, even though I know I am one day late). To you who have taught me before in one way or another, THANK YOU! Your influence in my life is so important for you taught me all that is good and you have inspired me to gain more knowledge in all that you have taught. Thank you!

Teachers. I know this is off topic but it just came to mind and its so important that I say this. Teachers are very crucial to a child or any learning person. A teacher can encourage and inspire. He or she can change and mould a mind. The influence of a teacher to anyone is really great. I am speaking for myself, I need a good teacher to help me improve in anything or in anyway. Though sometimes I out grow a teacher, I am never looking down or disrespecting that person cause he or she has help me get to where I am today. Teachers show you that something which you once think is hard to do or impossible is not all that impossible. They show it to you and teach you what they have found out about it and give some tips on how to get there in a shorter period of time and what mistakes to avoid.

In my short time in ICOM, I am known as the "Acoustic for Musician" tutor. And teaching a bunch of people around my age in school can be tiring and takes a lot of understanding on my side. I now understand and have a taste of how difficult teaching can be. Today, I appreciate a teacher more and value good teachers as precious gems. I think what keeps a teacher going, or me in this case, is interest for that subject and a good teacher who makes the learning process a much more enjoyable one. He has never failed to "wow" me when he teaches and with his vast knowledge and experience in this subject, he truly make time fly in every lesson.

I am glad to say that in ICOM I have a few teachers who inspire me and encourages me to do well. Even when that dreaded feeling of giving up comes slipping in, they are the ones who prevent it from over taking my mind. I really thank God for all the good teachers He has placed in my life.

When I think back about the time I was in Polytechnic, I realise that I did tutor some people, like Nick and Sas, but I was never so confident in teaching then. Perhaps, this is the new grace that God has given me so that I can teach others. Be it bible study or supernatural ministry skills, He might be lining up a path to teach and impart. I thank God that through teaching, you can say how much you know about a subject or topic and the level of understand you possess. A student usually look up to a teacher and the positive influence you place on that person, is essentially the ability to place Godly values in his or her life and shape character, behaviour and mindsets.

Ok now back to topic. Why Grace+Favour+Love? I've seen all of these happening in my life more and more now. Even when things go bad, it will always end with a consolation. God never seem to let me fall beyond a certain level. In the past two weeks I was not a legal person in a certain place as my visa had some complications. To make matters worse, I cant even go back home during my term break because of this issue. But as of today, it has been settled and all is good once again. I can now go home for my term break!!! I thank God for His grace and favour over this matter cause I was driving about and any road block would put me into serious trouble. He watched my coming and my going and provided for all my needs. Thank you also for everyone who has been praying. I'm sure your prayers touched His heart and He acted upon the prayers and praises of His people. Thank you!

Today, first test in the morning sort of screwed up. Sight Reading and Group Performance. After that lousy session, I went for a dim sum lunch. That made up for the sucky morning. Then went back to school to revise and tutor some people for the afternoon test. Revision was draggy and long. I had taught so many people in that short period of time. Answering questions after questions. Some of these are even repeated questions, but as I taught, the answers got stuck in my head and it kinda helped me to memorise :) Then the time for the test came and I was surprised at how easy the paper was! I thought its going to be hard test but it was easy and I felt so confident doing it. I hope to get at least an A- for a few mistakes (as usual due to carelessness) that I spotted after I came out of the examination room.

After the test I went to practise for my guitar private lessons. I had one hour to practise and I did it so seriously that when I check the time again, it was time for class. He taught me, encouraged me even though I didnt do very well. Good teachers are those who know when to push a student. And when to teach new things. I felt relieve after class and the want to continue practising and playing is recharged!

By this time it was 6pm and I was tired and hungry. I went to my car only to find out that my car battery DIED! OMGG.COM!!! I called one of my good friend in college to come save me. He said, "No problem la dude, the gas station next door can help you." And it sure did. They help me get someone to jump start the car, but the fellow who came said, "Cannot la, the battery flat already, cannot jump. I replace new one for you." In my mind I was thinking, "Oh no. This is going to cost a lot, maybe he is cheating me. The last time dad changed his car battery I heard it was 300RM." And then he said," Battery 145RM, Service charge 20RM." And I was like, whew, OK! Do now please. And I asked my friend if its ok, he said that it was reasonable. Then a few other college friends saw me and my friend standing by my car came over to ask what happened and then accompanied us until the uncle finished replacing the battery and all. They were so nice to accompany me though it was late and they too were tired already.

After the battery was replaced, most of the car electronic systems were working. Stuffs like central locking, and the engine time belt, all worked properly. Thank God that I didnt have to walk home and the car left dead outside school!

As I look at my life so far here in KL I can see the obvious GRACE+FAVOUR+LOVE that He has showered. From a caring church to loving God parents+adopted family, from school work to friends, He has made them all possible for me.

Your LOVE never fails. Thank you Jesus!

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