Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In whose hands are you in?

This question came back to me once again and I just cannot ignore it anymore.

Remember that time I mentioned about my social visit pass expiring and how there were complications? Well basically upon receiving the bad news I texted my mum and the text was something like this:

"Hey mum, my student visa is ready, but there are some complications now... Basically, my social visit visa ended 3 days ago, and now I have over stayed. For each day there is a fine of about $30. Nothing can be done now cause today is Friday. So pray for me that I will not get into trouble with the law and that the school will be able to help me settle this. Dont worry mum, I'm in God's hand."

Well, last week when I went back for my term break I attended service and Pastor Keith was preaching on something similar. I really loved the example he gave and how the perspective of things can change when it is in the right hands.

"A basketball in my hands is worth $19, but a Basketball in Micheal Jordan's hands is worth $33 Million.

It depends whose hands its in.

A Tennis racket in my hands is useless, but a tennis racket in Roger Federer's hands is a Wimbledon Championship.

It depends whose hands its in.

A rod in my hands can keep away wild animals, but a rod in Moses's hands can part the red sea.

It depends whose hands its in.

Two fishes and five loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches, but two fishes and five loaves of bread in Jesus's hands can feed five thousand.

It depends whose hands its in.

Four nails and two planks in my hands may produce a bird house, but four nails and two planks in Jesus's hands produced salvation for the whole world.

It depends whose hands its in.

You see, what drove me to write this post was the frustration that I had to deal with when my Dad was worried and he did his best to help me. Please dont get me wrong, I love my Dad and I really appreciated what he was trying to do, but I was upset that he didnt trust God enough that I was in His hands. He called his friend in MFA who contacted his friend, who works in the embassy, in that country I was in and he kept calling and making sure that I wasn't captured by the police or that I have gotten into any trouble.

Let me say that I do not boast in doing what is wrong yet I did not receive any punishment for it. My point here is to say that the GRACE that I have received is not from man but from GOD. I look at Him in all circumstances and not to my surrounding. Yes, when my Dad told me the severity of the issue I got scared, when I ask a lawyer in that country about the issue I got worried again. But all in all when I see God's hand at work and how all things work out good for those who love Him, I just cannot take it lying down for the lack of faith.

With this incident I am very very sure that my life is in Jesus's hand. I have no problem in putting my faith in God. If He told me to jump off the cliff, it wouldn't sound stupid to me cause I would have enjoyed the thrill of falling, and I believe there must be something He wanted to show me that can only be seen when falling off the cliff, and if that fall caused my death, I would then have met Him in Heaven for eternity. If I didnt die from that fall, wouldn't that be a miracle and a wonder? What a great testimony that would be of a God who never fails! Faith is spelt RISK. In Hebrews 11:1 its says " Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

I am sure and certain in whose hands I am in. How about you?

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