Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random update

Its been a long while since I've last blog. It isnt that there is nothing going on, but I am just very lazy to put my thoughts into words and journalise it. There are many ups and downs and I cant say that my life now is living right.

Work is very busy and stressed at the moment as audits and exercises and ops are about to come. I've been clearing shit that has been accumulated over the years and fighting fire as things become more and more urgent.

Church has become like a stock market to me. Somedays high, other days lows, and sometimes it crashes. I like the teaching that is still going on in church. I feel that the teaching of God's word is very important. It keeps me rooted and reminded and thinking and the words just keep going round and round in my head. What really gets me down its the people. Sometimes I just dont wanna face them.

I feel lost in the world that I am living in now. I have to decide what paths I want to take. I keep feeling in adequate and I ask God to give me the gifts frist before I believe. This attitude of mine is just so terrible and utterly wrong. I should believe first and do, with or without the gifts, doing it for God. I am afraid to take the wrong step, but, God has shown me thus far that no matter what's wrong, He can always make it right.

And I've stopped thinking about my life partner, who ever shall be, will be. No point fretting. I give up. Oh Happy Valentine's by the way. A day that I've stopped remembering. I only remember it cause I received a well wishing SMS.

Just came back from watching the curious case of benjamin button and I quite like the show. Though it very long, I found it very interesting. Though the show portrayed a life that is a little too perfect to live in. But one can dream, cant they?

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