Thursday, February 26, 2009

August Rush

I've just finished watching August Rush as the expense of my sleep, though I reckon tomorrow would almost be a nothing-to-do day again.

I am really amazed at the story of how a young boy is so determined to find his parents. His belief in music that it could bring him back to the one who gave it to him really struck a chord with me.

For me, music brings me back to the One who gave me music, God. Not just any music but worship songs. Songs that speak about God and was written by people when the Holy Spirit inspired them to. That's what makes worship songs different. It calls you back to the One who inspired them to be written.

Just like the show, Evan Taylor's "August Rhapsody" brought not only his parents back together, it also brought them to him as well. Its a story that I really enjoyed and I really relate to each of the characters in the show at different parts of their screen life.

I know I am no prodigy. I cant touch an instrument and play whatever I hear in my head. I cant translate that onto the instruments. Yes, I might have many melodies in my head, but I cant remember them after humming them out. But I feel the draw to be immerse in music.

Beyond that, I like to write music, compose them when the Holy Spirit inspire me to. So that the music that is played would then draw others to God and not to me, for God inspired it all. Its a tool I know I can use to draw other to Christ.

As I watched the show earlier, I imagined what if I was Evan Taylor conducting the Orchestra. I imagined myself giving credits to the Orchestra as it reaches the last few bars of the piece and then walk off the stage, join my parents and exit the park. As the Orchestra comes to the end of the piece, they would stand to receive a standing ovation from the audience, enjoying the appreciation that they so well deserve. And as for me? I don't need the fame or recognition of a brilliant composer, I just want to be found by my parents.

I pray that in the same way, if I ever reach to a point that I become someone well known, I want to be able to walk off that stage and give the Glory to my Father in heaven. I dont need the fame or the glory, I just need to be His child.

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