Sunday, June 17, 2007


I've just reached home from YAYA camp and I think this camp quite rocked. Ok, maybe cause my group (Caesar) won! But not just that, this camp I had fun cause it was relaxed and I could hang out with different people from different groups and CG.

I have many thoughts about this camp. So it might be a very very long post.

First up, I thank Glenda for helping me play keys for worship and leading the second slot!

I think my group rocks! Well Eunice (GL) told me before the camp that we are gonna be in the same group. I replied that we're definitely gonna win. And we did. Not cocky, but we work well together.

Our Group name was Emperor but there was another group whose name was Huang Di. We thought it was too close and we decided to call ourselves Caesar. We over-ruled the camp committee. But they were nice to give in to us :)

Caesar consisted of the following people: Eunice (GL), Timmi (AGL), Vin, Peiling, Gloria, ZhiWei, Val, Ivyna, Jolene, Tammie, Mel Mel(com member) , Justin(com member)

Our tag line was : "Give to Caesar what is due to Caesar." It was our cheer as well.

I think the group is rather well balanced. I had fun with my group. I got to know Timmi, Peiling, Mel Mel more. They used to be some face I know in church, now I'll try my best to talk to them when I see them in church on Sundays or maybe jio them out on Sunday after church as well.

I have benefited quite a bit in this camp. Knowing God and His people. On the first day, the bonding in my group through the games was great. I feel that we kept together as a team and I saw the team spirit being united.

In the afternoon I played basketball with the Youth Boys, I think it was a good way of just being with them, letting them know of your presence. They are nice boys, just mischievous and very very very playful!

In the night I got to talk to Xiao Xi. She is chatty and a very nice girl. I'm glad that she is comfortable to share with me and the people around about herself. I think she has some potential in being a leader, she sings well too.

Later in the night, I spent some time with Peiling, Emelyne and Bevan. Just hanging out chatting about some stuffs here and there.

Day 2 the rest of my group arrived. Namely: Tammie, Jolene, Ivyna, Val, Justin. We had light games and then we went for lunch. After lunch we had a break. Instructions given was, rest. Save up the energy for games later. They sec1 boys just didnt care and one of them got injured. it was a light injury and he was sent home with his brother to be treated. Pastor heard it and was upset as the time was given to rest, not play. and now an accident had occurred. He told them nicely to go to the room and rest. no more basketball.

Then it was time for briefing on the station games. When we were doing a head count, 3 boys were missing. Pastor found that they were bathing in the toilet. He was pissed. Everyone waited for them to come back. and when they were back, Pastor had all the boys in that room outside of the briefing area and gave them a talk. I thought he might just 'tekan' them but he talked to them nicely. I gave a sigh of relief.

After some instructions were given, some puzzles to be done for timing sake, it was off to station games. The games are quite ok, some difficult, some very easy. I think on the whole it was well done.

After the station games we arrived a East Coast Park. We were the last group to arrive though we were the first to leave. Why? Cause we gave way to the other teams. We gather and made sure everyone was around before moving off. I like the closeness we enjoy as a group :)

At East Coast Park, we kinda broke off as a group and hanged around with whoever we wanted. It was a good opportunity to just mix around. I hanged out with Eunice, Vanny, Eme, Lyd, Clare, Bear, YingQi, Mel Mel, Amanda, XiaoXi, Enmin, Jaclyn. It was quite fun hanging out with them. Just talking, making fun of each other, random topics.

The group broke up after awhile, people broke up into smaller groups. I went to look for food and help to clear up the BBQ stuffs as the LOVELY adults we gonna leave. So as I was settling the BBQ stuffs I went to join the young 'uns for awhile. I played with them TABOO.

Gosh, I think my IQ dropped a bit cause they talked to me as if I was their age (they are sec 1 - 3 girls). The way they describe the word to me for taboo is really low level.

Eg. Word: Tape

Them: "erm, scotch what? scotch what?"
Me: " scotch brime?"
Them: " NO! NO!"
Timmi: " Tape?"
Them: "YES YES!"
(screams and cheers)

How was I to guess its scotch tape? there is so many combination right? Anyway, I had quite a bit of fun, getting to know them through interactions like this and being at their level.

After this we went to Macs. It was to be me, Bear and Eme, Peiling. Then my big mouth asked so loudly, everyone went. Ok, macs was fine. Not very fun. Not much was said. So we left macs and on the way back, my itchy mouth asked peiling if she wanted to run back to the BBQ pit. Gosh she wanted and I didnt want to be a spoiler (since I asked), I ran with her. To me I was running with all my might, to her she was just merely jogging. I am so UNFIT!

So back there I left peiling, eme went to find her sister vanny, so bear and I tagged along. We joined a new group. This group had Vanny, YingQi, Mel Mel, XiaoXi and Amanda. We were talking about Caleb. How he was being so nice to Amanda. I could see the smitten looks on Amanda's face.

so now they too wanted to go to macs. so trip 2 to macs. I was talking to YingQi here and there and with Timmi too. This time round when we were there it had a little more fun. Timmi was hungry and ordered Big Breakfast. He took a cup of water for the 5 girls too. He told amanda (who wanted food as well) that he saved the hash brown for her. Gosh, she was smitten again! (actually he didnt want the hash brown.) I had a good laugh.

Timmi is quite soft spoken and quiet boy. But that morning, after he had downed more than half of his Big Breakfast, he became something else. YingQi wanted some sausage from his Big Breakfast. He cut quite a big piece. Then he said, " Ni yi kou, wo yi kou..." All of us were STUNNED! when it hit us, we were like, "omg! Timmi! What did you just say?" it gave us quite a laugh! I gave Timmi a thumbs up sign. It was a good effort/joke/trick. We left macs and I saw the 5 young 'uns sitting in a corner of macs eating breakfast. So I told them to be back before 6am if they wished to catch the sunrise. They were independent and took care of each other. Was glad that they were obedient. They were back before 6.

Went back and heard Bear had a tummy ache and was given Po Choi Yun. Auntie Lee Cher needed toilet and so did Gloria. Well they felt that the public toilets were too dirty and needed one soon. So I suggested Macs. She said ok, and we (me, leecher, gloria, eme, bear) drove there. As she didnt want to pay for parking I asked her if she would let me drive and park the car at the side while they went toilet. She agreed! :) I was so happy. I drove them back and parked at the carpark. Seems like I drove quite well :)

By then the sun was about to rise and I stayed up to catch the sunrise. It was disappointing as it was too cloudy a morning. but oh well, I was praying for a nice rainy morning so that I could sleep and I guess that is why it was a cloudy morning.

Half the committee disappeared in the night. So I had to help. Took care of the left over BBQ stuffs, clean up the area, clear tents. Then I was tasked to return bicycle. Then Pastor was worried about the bus. It was 8.15am and the bus company hasnt called him to give him the bus number plate and the driver's contact number.

So in his head plan B was forming, just in case. I told him dont worry la. Have faith. But well it was safer to check if plan B could be arranged. He called church and pastor Keith was already in. He asked pastor keith if he could get the number of the bus company as he has left it in the office (of all days) While he was talking to pastor keith half way, his handphone rang (he was using mine to call church as his phone batt was getting low). Guess who called, the bus driver! I was like thank you Lord! I mean in my head, heart I prayed that we wont be sabo-ed in this way. I had faith things would go on fine, maybe I took things for granted. But I thank God that he chose this way to strengthen my faith.

So all of the campers got into the bus and made their way back to Bethel Presbyterian church (campsite). And I took the bicycle to return. Things were settled faster than I had expected so I decided to go macs for breakfast.

After Breakfast I took a cab back to the campsite. After about 5mins I had boarded the cab, the rain poured heavily. I thanked God in my heart for everything that had gone on this morning. Everything was perfect in His timing.

After I got back, most of them were showered and were sleeping. they were given 2hrs break. As the young 'uns were still energetic I went to talk to them after I have showered. the 2hr break seem so short. Soon people were packing up and getting ready for the last talk.

In the last talk I feel burdened for the Youths again. I mean I was trying to stay awake. But I know I felt the burden for the Youths. Esp, CG1. I felt like I wanted to be a CGL for them. To be someone they can talk to, turn to when they face any problems.

After the talk I didnt go forward, I was afraid I fell asleep. but I knew God wanted to tell me something.

They announced the results of the games and my group won! after that we said our thanks, broke camp and left. Uncle Anthony gave me a ride home. I was so grateful for that.

After I reached home, I slept all the way till morning. That was how tired I was. But I had fun at the camp. I thank God for the new relationships formed in this camp...

Born for Glory, To God be the GLORY!

YAYA CAMP '07, it was great! I did not regret going.

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