Saturday, January 15, 2011

What lies ahead

I know this post is 14days late as 2 weeks have passed by since the start of a new year. But why am I keep track of dates? That I dont know why, but what I do know is that this is yet another year where time will fly by so fast and I'll be wondering about what had happened in a year.

December holiday was short and sweet. It was really refreshing to my soul though my physical body would not agree with me. Late nights after late nights and all the supper, I think my body was screaming "abuse" but my palettes and craving were satisfied. In that short time, I managed to cook my 6 course meal twice and achieved a real satisfaction in tasting my own cooking. Something that I really felt good about. I have always been a grill specialist, but now a 6 course, not-so-fine dining is not a problem for me. Most of the credit goes to and my aunt for doing the prep work. I merely just used my hands and cook.

From December till now, as I reflect and think back, I just wanna thank God for all He has done and given me. Thank you Pa, You really provided for all of my needs. Nothing else really matter more than You being part of it all. From the providence to the talents/abilities given, from friends to family time, all in all I thank You. Without You, there wouldn't be me and the love and joy which gives me strength to love anyone and do anything for anyone.

My life cannot be separated from God. If you take Him out of my life, there wouldn't life. It'll probably be a guy who is dragging himself through life and dreading it. There you'll see him taking drug, having sex or raping girls, drinking alcohol and using addictions to temporarily ease the pain. Ultimately, he would end up taking his own life to stop the suffering once and for all.

In these coming months, I know that things wont be going too easy. The breakthroughs that are about to come would probably need time spend going on our knees seeking the heart of the Father to see His will being done. Lots of intercessions and time being with Him is needed in these few coming months. We need to be like the sons of Issachars who knew the time of the Lord and with understanding proceed to do His will.

Today an interesting sermon was preached by Dr Tan Soo Inn. He is a Doctor by profession, a dentist. He became a preacher because of a burden that God has placed in his heart even before he pursued dentistry. It was interesting how parents sometimes become the obstacle to a child's calling. In his case, his parents told him to finish dentistry and work for a bit first before thinking about going to seminary. In my case, my parents told me to finish my poly and then NS first before they allowed me to study sound engineering/music.

But somehow God's timing is always the best. Its never too late nor too early. True that we might not know otherwise what might have happened, but the fact is that no matter what has happened, I am able to praise Him and thank Him for all that He has done for me today, right now in this moment.

So what is interesting in today's service is that the speaker is someone who is in his mid fifties and co wrote a workbook about discovering your personal life mission. The book that this workbook is based on is written by Gordon T. Smith titled, Courage and Calling: Embracing your God-given potential. Well, in his case, he was burden about the church's lack in having good teachers and leadership. Being a second generation Christian, he realised that his parent's faith is not his own faith. Everyone is different, unique the moment God created you, and needs to experience God in his own way.

What struck me was when he said this,"Dont ever use your burden as a yardstick to measure another person's burden. Everyone has a burden and a passion for different things, that is how God has made him to be; a unique individual."

Sometimes I sigh at the life of others, why cant they be more radical, or do something crazy for God? And when I put myself against the same measure I used for them, I realise that I am just as bad. What really interest me is that this man is willing to invest time to do a one on one session to help people identify their personal calling. This really struck a note within me. If there were such a material available, I want it. Not for myself but for the young people out there. My burden is for the church and her young people.

Another wise word from this man is this," If you are 15 years old and you dont know what you calling is, its fine. Just keep seeking the Lord and explore all possibilities. Parents, dont force your child upon what you think his calling is, they dont need these kind of unnecessary pressure. Some people only find their calling at 30 when they are wiser and able to identify for the past 20 odd years what the Lord has been trying to get them to do. Some people only find that out in their 50s, but its never too late. Better late then never. But if you as a young person have already known your calling, its not the end. God would fine-tune it and or perhaps expand it."

I am excited to know the calling of people around me and seeing them grow into the roles that God has prepared for them. Its so exciting! The process of finding out and becoming that which God has called is always the most exciting, satisfying and rewarding thing one can ever achieve along side with God. Just as Dr Soo Inn and I believe, it all begin with knowing your identity.

IDENTITY. From Bill Johnson to Kris Vallotton to Dr Tan Soo Inn, the bottom line is the same: Who are you in Christ? This foundation will enable you to do greater things that He has planned and prepared for you to do.

So I believe, for CPC YAYA, myself included, what lies ahead is finding out who you are in Christ. Solidifying that knowledge, believe that YOU ARE WHAT HE SAYS YOU ARE! And after finding it out you have to live like you believe it. And from there, let God place a burden within you that you may identify a calling truly uniquely yours and live out that calling to the glory of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

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