Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mariè Digby

I am so in love with her right now. She as good as she is in studios or in live performances! Though the venue is lousy and the waiting time a crazy thing, it was all worth it when she started singing and then had an autograph/photo taking session with us fans! She is 100% real, no lip-sync and she plays the guitar well.

I am mesmerised. I mean she is all that I look for in a girl, she is very very pretty (I like girls who are mixed blood), she has a sweet voice ( and she is able to sing very well) and she plays the guitar (its a Gibson Humming Bird Modern Classic)!!! That is why I am so attracted to her. She inspires me to write songs man, seriously.

This is the closest I've gotten to a celebrity who's so friendly that she talks to you, gives you a hug, takes a picture with you and signs poster, CD covers all at the same time. I think her personality has won many over.

I was even bold enough to ask her if I could go on tour with her some day! and she replied with a Yea, sure! :D

You know, at this moment now I feel really bad. I felt like I betrayed God cause I'm idolising someone else. I dont wanna give excuses, but this is kinda mixed cause I'm also in love with her. Ok for an example, if this is a Jay Chou concert, that would be idolising, its really admire + more. But somehow, I am not drawn to worship them like I would with God. I wont bow on my knees before them. If I have to renounce them I would, cause they may be a name today but forgotten tomorrow. Jesus and the Bible have been around for thousands of years already. And I really know God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I have a relationship with them and they are above all in my life. So I hope that is clear enough about where I stand in this.

Putting all that aside, I really am looking for a girl like Mariè Digby and who loves Jesus and knows that God the Father loves her very very much. Oh Lord, is this too much to ask for?

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