Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Love and what it does

Love... it does a million (gazillion as Clare would say it) things to you.

Love cause you to do crazy things. When you're in love, you wanna do anything for the person. You wanna give her anything she asks of, you would even try to grab the stars that are out of reach for her. You'll do anything to make her feel special and to see her smile.

Love cause you to feel like you could die in place of the other person. It causes you to go through thick and thin with another.

Love causes you to leave your comfort zone and go to places where no one else would, just to reach out to the less fortunate.

Love, that is from God covers a multitude of sins. That is why Christ died.

And what Ps. Eng Kiat is doing in Thailand is out of the Love God has lavished on Him that he wants to show God's love to the people there. Yet people still reject the love that he gives which take time and life out of him, something that he could have spent with his family. Nevertheless, I know he never stopped loving.

Love of a family of believers is amazing as well. The Love gift WanHsi received blew her away. And we really love and act out of love for one another because we have experienced the love that God has given us. I really do embrace the love that this group has given me. Especially from my God-parents and my new elder God sister. They believe in me and in what God would do through me. As for the other members, I can freely share the Godly love with them because of what I have received, all of the above and also from my earthly parents and family who treats me with this much love.

I'm feeling much loved. By everyone around and by God the Father. He loved me too much to let be just like that. And you if you think that I'm typing this only because I am falling in love, thats only like 10% of the reason. God is love. And that is why Love never fails!

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