Sunday, October 12, 2008

Random night!

Just drank some wine with my family. Bought this at the airport after a holiday to Hong Kong. Its 50SGD for a bottle of 375ml of liquid GOLD! Finally after so long I've decided to open it. Well, it was meant for someone special, well that someone isnt so special anymore so, I decided to reward my parents with it.



These pictures arent sharp or nicely taken cause they are not taken by a DSLR. Seriously after playing with Cass's DSRL for such a long while now, I dont seem to know how to use the others. I cant set it up like how I can with cass's and it frustrates me that this is the best I can come up with.

Anyways, cameras aside, the wine is so delicious it smells and taste almost like perfume. Yum!

So what so random about tonight? Well, I went grocery shopping after somewhat seems like the longest time in a while. I had fun looking and buying stuffs. Then my mummy actually asked if we (my sister and I) wanted supper at PRATA HOUSE! Like, mum, are you really that hip? You hang out there and have supper there one meh?! But anyway, we went, and I love it there, its home ground man.

I'm trying to learn and play some songs. Inspired by the people on youtube but I hate my voice cause of its short range. I've known this problem for a while but I wonder if a voice can be trained. If a lousy voice can actually be made good. Or is this a talent/natural thing?

Another random thing was that I happen to view her and the guy on facebook. I must admit they look cute together. Wearing same colour tees as well, so lovely. Looking at her pictures, I realised that there are really many more pretty girls out there. Her group of friends for example are really pretty too.

And I got another great find. I found someone who I wanna be like in few years time. He is a drummer, a guitarist, a sound engineer, a music producer. I wonder what is his job now. I've emailed him to see if we can meet up for a chat.

Its late and there is church tomorrow. I pray tomorrow would be an amazing day.

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