Saturday, March 22, 2008


Thank God its GOOD Friday!

Yesterday was good friday and I went for English Presbytery service at the EXPO. I really enjoyed the service very much. Its simple yet heart warming and everything was just perfect. From the worship to the play to the sermon, everything was in consistency.

In the evening I went for BAG. Well, it was supposed to be BAG, but there were 24 people and it became like a Cell group session. We talked about the why good friday is so important and the humanity and deity of Christ.

At Pastor Edwin's place Sam found a book published by True Way PC which was titled, T-Files. Its a compilation of testimonies by members of the church or friends of the church. And Sam found one which was written by her. Well, I read it and that was about it. Didn't think much of it.

But this every morning I dreamt of someone which made me think of all these affairs of the heart again. And I committed it to God again.

Which also lead me to think of this:

Would I wanna be with a FUN kinda girl?

Or a lady like, sweet and gentle?

Or one that is like minded and have the same thoughts in regards to life and service to God?

In truth, I like to be with one that is all of the above.


Lydia said...

you say you've committed it to God, but you think too much about these things still.

Vin- said...

its constantly in my thoughts. not that im worried, but its nice to day dream about it =)