Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life and Death

You'll understand the title as your go along reading.

I managed to see her yesterday. And I do think that this might be a closure. I'm still not sure if she's going away, but I think she is and my decision should stay firm. Of course, who wouldn't feel upset seeing the one that they like being with another, worse still if the other half of hers is really not up to standard. Then again, who am I to judge? What I should do as a disciple of Christ is to keep her in prayer and trust that God has a plan that will prosper her and not to harm her, plans to give her hope and a future.

I just hope that whatever she does, I can be there for her. But if I really have to be detached away from her, totally, like just a mere fair weather friend, in obedience to God I will.

So we gathered for dinner at Cass's house last night for dinner. It was just as I expected it. Messy and TOO much food. It was nice of JW to join us actually. He just need to socialise with people from church more. Attend activities with us and just have fun being together. The usual enthusiastic gang of people were there for dinner. Cass, Sam, Clare, Lyd, Ying Qi, Vanny, JW and me!

We watched Simpsons the Movie while having dinner. That show is just plain dumb and funny but since it was my second time watching it, it wasn't that funny anymore. After dinner we had ice cream from Island Creamery, brought by JW. It was Holicks as it was his favourite flavour. How self centered. :P Anyway, we still ate it and played bridge. By then half the group have left already.

After playing bridge for awhile JW and Clare needed to go off, so we were left with Cass, Sam and myself. We took a cab to my house to get the car as we were planning to join the YM cycling group. We joined them at Lau Pa Sat, where the satay club is. The stall holders are really irritating touters! Just like those at Newton Hawker Centre. I was really pissed. But anyway, we just sat and ordered satay.

From there we drove to Kallang, their next check point, where is was a quick pit stop before they head down to ECP. We tried as much as possible to follow them in our cars (Lee Cher was driving too) but they were going against traffic and so we just drove off to ECP and meet them there.

The art of driving had never thrilled me more or the psychology of a human being. I just love to drive.

So we ended up at ECP and group 1 and 2 have already arrived! I seriously thought that I would have reached there earlier. We just hang around until group 3 arrived and then headed to Macs for a quick breakfast and then home.

Before I could go home I needed to pick my sister up. Where? Simpang Bedok. I knew that place but its a different route that I usually came from. Man, I got lost for a while before Cass manage to help me find my location and then got there before my petrol went empty. (I was driving with the low fuel gauge light on for a really long time trying to find the place.)

Finally got my sister, filled my tank and I was on my way to send Cass home.

After dropping Cass off at her place, I drove home by the Farrer Road way rather then the highway. Just as I was reaching the main junction turning into my house, I had a near accident.

I was sleepy and I was trying very hard to stay awake. But just at that point, my mind switched off and I dozed off at the wheel going at about 70km/h. I felt a huge jerk and when I opened my eyes I saw my car right wheel up on the middle divider and I was going straight into a tree. Natural instinct was to steer away from the tree and then hit the brakes. But as my car came down from the middle divider and then with the sudden hard braking the car started to skid. I felt the ABS kicking in and I quickly straighten my wheels to the road and release my break.

It was a close shave. I could have died. Rather I think I had died. But the grace of God saved me. I know that I'm some one God really have plans for me. He would preserve my life till His will has come to pass and that my life have glorified Him. I really thank God for taking care of me. This is the second near accident that have been prevented. Both times as deadly. Reckless as I am, I really thank God for having me as His child, holding me in the palm of His hands, loving me so much He would all everything in His power so that I might live to glorify Him. I thank God that I know who am I in Him and that I am safe now to even blog about this.

I hope my sister, who was with me in the car, would really be affected enough by this incident to think about life and God. Though I know that she woke up with a little shock by the sudden movements and nothing else after. Still in her sleepyish daze, I wonder if she understood the danger and the situation. (I did try to explain to her trying to invoke some sort of emotion to stir her thinking.) But I did as I could, the rest its up to prayer and God.

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