Wednesday, March 23, 2011

And so you thought

I thought that Wed night of prophetic worship was awesome, I realised that I spoke too soon. Sunday night ministry at 12am was beyond epic, beyond awesomeness. God's presence was so strong it was like He wanted every single girl in connection house to know that He is Lord and that He loves them with an everlasting love.

I like how I work with Ms Yeong. Its so simple cause we both know who we look to and rely on. I found someone I could look after and start training. In fact, we are so similar in terms of gifts, it wasnt hard at all guiding her! What's funny to me is that I seem to be a dragon trainer. What I meant is that I train big people. People whose influence are huge and they have a huge personality. I train people at the leadership level. I really love that, I enjoy that a lot. Cause working with God is so easy. He teaches me what to say :)

This is exciting times. See how God is working in the lives of these young ladies and how hungry they are for Him. So now that Wanhsi has started something in ANC, its up to me to sustain it. I thank God that at least 1 of the Pastoral staff has seen and know how it works and I pray that I can just work from there to sustain this environment.

I dont have much time to sit here and think deep to blog as I have to leave in few minutes. But just so that I dont forget this experience, this is my reminder: immersed in His water, bright blinding glory, fire of purification, in one with Christ, rising from the ashes, burning bush: burn but not consumed

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