Thursday, March 17, 2011

16 Mar 2011: Epic Day

Today is one of the most epic day of my life. Its so epic cause Wanhsi is here and she has brought the teaching of prophetic worship and deeper worship to ANC. God is truly amazing. I sit here awake at 1am to write this and record what happened.

Yesterday Wanhsi was teaching about personal worship and how prophetic worship works. I was suppose to attend that session but my car broke down. So I didnt go. But I knew in my Spirit that something big is happening something really epic. So I asked min and joyce to intercede for the church and Wanhsi that God will really do a great work here in KL.

Today, I met Wanhsi and attended her session on corporate worship (I'll give a detailed update later) and this was something that I was waiting and wanting to hear about in a long time. Thank God she taught this while I was around.

For the last I dont know how many months, I have been real dry. I'm not totally dry dry, but in comparison to what I was before, this is dry man. I didnt admit that I was feeling dry, I wanted to press in to see if God would do something, but I guess I gave up half way sub consciously and I didnt manage to draw nearer to Him.

Today Wanhsi made me play the drumset. She said play it prophetically. See where the Spirit is leading and while I was playing, all I was thinking are beat patterns and rhythms. There are some parts where God was telling me something but I am not sure what. I just went with the flow.

At the end of the 2hr worship session, I got the whole picture. We were fighting a battle to break through to something. When we started, we were like a procession welcoming the King, but He wasnt here yet. So we played and worshiped. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say now play like the King is here. In grand honour and praise. Lift up the praise. That took a long time and when I was about to give up, cause I was tired, Wanhsi was at the side saying, press in! Press In! So I did. Then after the presence came, we wanted His glory and that took a long time to come. Breaking through to receive His glory is a tough thing. Its like the whole multitude need to be in sync and of one Spirit before that Glory breaks through like a morning light.

After the Glory and the Presence came in, its was rejoicing time. I heard God said the battle is won and now its celebration. That took up most of the worship. I learnt today that in worship, the preparation and the procession for the King's presence is the shortest part of worship. Waiting for His glory to shine through and the celebration of victory is the longest part of Worship and heaven is in continual worship of celebration.

Playing drums in prophetic worship was what I was born to do. I know I am not technically good, but I will get there some day and worship without restrictions. In fact I believe that not just drums, guitar, bass, keys, vocals. I was born to Worship God without out any limits and to lead people into it.

I am so glad how God planned for Wanhsi to be here at this time. It really means so much to me. When I meet her again on Friday I am going to tell her all these cause she and tonight's experience means a lot to me.

May all that I do, in every aspect of my life, bring Glory to name of Christ Jesus, my Father God in Heaven and my comforter and friend, the Holy Spirit, AMEN!

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