Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cross my fingers and Pray for the best

This is an amazing story but I dont know how it would end and I am doing as the title says, crossing my fingers and praying for the best.

Well, last friday I was given half day off unexpectedly and I managed to get all the documents that I need for my university application. This week I tried to swap my friday duty for another weekday, but it was so difficult I gave up. Then I had to fall ill on tuesday and after seeing the doctor, he gave me 2 days of MC which would end this thursday. Yesterday, the letter that I have been waiting for, came in 2 day in advance. All these adds up to allow me to send in these documents to Berklee in hopefully 6 days time. And the audition team is going to be in KL on the 11th which I hope would be just in time for the documents to be there and all. This friday I am on duty, which meant that if the letter came in one day late, I would have missed it all.

Now that all that is done, I am worried because the university has not emailed or contacted me about the audition details. I wonder if I still have the chance to apply for the school or not. And if I do get an audition slot, how fast can I get a ticket to KL, and where to find the cash?! Would all these be a wasted effort?

Up till now, I can only thank God for His grace in putting everything togheher. And I see His hand in everything relating to this university application. As for what comes after, I am very excited and anxious at the same time to see the outcome. Will I get to study in one of the most prestigious college of Music? After all, He has always been in charge and His resources and ways are far beyond my imagination.

As for me, I'm Crossing my fingers and Praying for the best.

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