Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm feeling freaking emo right now.

They are a cute couple together. What he did was very sweet. I agree, no doubt, but I dont think I can take in all in when I'm alone. Its not like I couldn't do something like that for someone, its just that THERE IS NO ONE I WANT TO DO IT FOR! Feels like everything is going down, as though I have no more reasons to live for.

Then I look to another. Well, that one is taken too. But every now and then I get a dose of what I thought was love but its nothing more than just being friendly/civil. She being nice kills me. And what a partner to get in a game, its like God's pratical joke. Just that I know He wouldn't take it out on my fragile heart like this.

The Spirit is hungry, but the flesh and the mind is weak. Weak in taking in and mediating on His words. Weak in self control. The Spirit wants to soar with Him, but the body is too heavy.

I'm tiring myself out for no reason. Lost the motivation to work or anything in that matter of fact. I'm not depressed or losing it, but just feeling FREAKING BUAY SONG!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tsk Tsk

Yes yes, I know, I know.

Call me dumb;

call me damn retarded la;

call me careless;

call me kan cheong spider.

But it wasnt totally my fault. The fellow from Berklee gave me the wrong info also!!!

Anyway what happened is that I felt that there was something wrong when they replied me that they did not have my records for any auditions and so I went back to the website to check again. There I found my mistake.

Auditions/Interviews for Spring(January) Semester 2010 will commence from April through August.

Ok. So there, I think I need not worry anymore. God will seriously provide, His plan is perfect. There's no doubt.

Any besides being the above, at least there were some nice comments like:

" He's giving you this one big time period to go practise and get more skillzz. "

" Start praying earlier is good. "

and the most classic of it all:

" That's a good mistake :D "

That is the funniest of it all. Thanks Uncle Henry! But through this and everything, I see God's hand in my life. Paving the way, putting everything together and even when I'm so worried and anxious, He helped me see my mistake and have a good laugh at it. Thank you Lord. You are indeed an Amazing God.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ramble Ramble

Some things that happened today:

1) Worship in the YA today was rather good. I enjoyed playing and I felt that everyone did very well.

2) Dan Tan and Caleb Lai attempted to do a Hillsongs medley. I must say they sounded quite good. It was a very good attempt seriously.

3) Busted my lunch fast by eating at Soup Spoon. I think I wont eat there again soon cause I don't really like it anymore. Its losing its novelty to me.

4) Bought macarons from Bakerzin. They are lovely man. Thanks to Darius for the discount.

5) Walked around town. Yawn.

6) Went to buy Joyce's new HTC touch 3G @ Starhub. Met Cass's JC friend.

7) Dinner at Eastern Restaurant. The food there is nice. Above average. And there goes my fast for the day. And we met Shaun Tan there!

I actually don't know why I'm blogging this. Its just pure ramble. But I need to say some thing, Like blog something cause at this moment, the notice for Berklee's audition is not yet in and I am beginning to be anxious. Oh God please help!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cross my fingers and Pray for the best

This is an amazing story but I dont know how it would end and I am doing as the title says, crossing my fingers and praying for the best.

Well, last friday I was given half day off unexpectedly and I managed to get all the documents that I need for my university application. This week I tried to swap my friday duty for another weekday, but it was so difficult I gave up. Then I had to fall ill on tuesday and after seeing the doctor, he gave me 2 days of MC which would end this thursday. Yesterday, the letter that I have been waiting for, came in 2 day in advance. All these adds up to allow me to send in these documents to Berklee in hopefully 6 days time. And the audition team is going to be in KL on the 11th which I hope would be just in time for the documents to be there and all. This friday I am on duty, which meant that if the letter came in one day late, I would have missed it all.

Now that all that is done, I am worried because the university has not emailed or contacted me about the audition details. I wonder if I still have the chance to apply for the school or not. And if I do get an audition slot, how fast can I get a ticket to KL, and where to find the cash?! Would all these be a wasted effort?

Up till now, I can only thank God for His grace in putting everything togheher. And I see His hand in everything relating to this university application. As for what comes after, I am very excited and anxious at the same time to see the outcome. Will I get to study in one of the most prestigious college of Music? After all, He has always been in charge and His resources and ways are far beyond my imagination.

As for me, I'm Crossing my fingers and Praying for the best.

Monday, March 2, 2009

3 trees

I'm begining to be EMO again. Why? cause after watching August Rush, I cant help but have the song kept going through my head and the song's lyrics are so emo. So much about love and finding the one you love. And the actors are so good at expressing the hurt they are going through. With Keri Russell as the lead actress, I liked the show even more cause she is so pretty!

But anyway, today, I just want to journal this down cause I read it off another journal and I felt that this simple story tells me that my dreams and perspective might not be the same as God's and though in the eyes of others it may seem to be the worse ending, it might be the greatest thing that might just be happening to you.

3 Trees.

Once there were 3 trees growing up together in a forest. Over the years the trees grew up to be tall and strong trees, towering over the all the other trees in the forest.

So one day they shared with one another about what they dreamt to become in the future.

The first tree said, " I want to be the biggest treasure chest in the world. Where lots of gold and silver and precious stones are kept in."

The second tree said, " I want to be the grandest ship in the world. Where kings and nobles travel in around the world.

The third tree said, " I want to become the tallest structure in the world. I want to close the gap between heaven and earth."

All of them had great dreams and ambitions but as the wood cutter came, he chopped them all down and sold them to be made.

The first tree was made into a manger to hold foul smelling pig's food. But on a certain special day, it held baby Jesus when there were no other place for Him to be laid upon.

The second tree was made into a fishing boat to endure tough seas and holding loads after loads of smelly fishes but Chirst sailed in this very boat with His disciples.

The third tree was made into a cross where criminals were crucifed as a punishment but this very cross held Jesus till He breathe his very last breath.

All the trees became what they desired to be. Not in the way the world see it to be.

The first tree held the precious Lord Jesus. More prescious than that of Gold or Silver or stones that could ever be found.

The second tree had the Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords sailed in it with the disciples of Jesus. Now that is better that the Kings and nobles of this world.

And the third tree that wanted to be the tallest of all to close the gap between heaven and earth, became the cross where Christ died, Whose death saved the entire world and became the way to Heaven. Closing the gap between heaven and earth

So no matter what your dreams may be, your life may not seem to be like it till you see it as God does. His plans are good and perfect. He will never short change you, He will provide for all your need.