Monday, June 27, 2011

What's Happening; What's on my mind.

So its been more than 2 months that I have been silent. Not that nothing is happening or that my life is too happening to blog, but I have ceased to find the time to sit and think.

After all the major happenings that has happened so far, after all of us are back in one place, I decided to sit down and think; reflect.

So the last I've blogged about was about school, the pressure and all that.

Now I am proud to say that I've made it. My 2nd Sem went pretty well. I've managed to get 3A- and 4B, which is stunning to me and I really thank God for that. I couldn't have done it without His favour.

Coming back to SG and to CPC is really a very heart warming thing. Here I live like a King/Prince. I do what I do and I get recognised for whatever I do. Here I dont seem to struggle much and I thrive like a tree by the river. I dont wanna talk much about ANC and KL, but just so you know, SG is really my HOME. As much as I say I can adapt to anywhere and I can live easy, there is really nothing like home. It even harder to resist that when all of your being was made to love this Nation.

Just last week, We had a YAYA Camp. Amazing things happened and as much as I would love to list out all the details, I would really be trying so hard to put to words all the amazing things that happened. But I would once again say that it has been one of the most awesome camps I've had.

You know being prophetic means that,when you see/hear/imagine/have an impression/glimpse of things that are to come and when these things actually do happen, you ceased to be surprised or shocked. But nonetheless, God's work is always amazing. The things He does never cease to bring me Joy or Satisfaction.

I love being a part of His team. He always let me know what is on His mind and heart for CPC and the YAYA and the Six of us. He leads me step by step till the point in time when things happen and I am ready to work it out with Him.

Months ago I had this strong impression that JUNE is going to be a very exciting time. My Spirit was so excited that I couldn't wait to come back. More than just seeing Joyce and Min, there was going to be YAYA Camp and somehow I was really excited about it. I had this impression that this June would be the reverse of all that had happened one year ago in PGH. God was bringing restoration and reconciliation though I didnt know how that might happen.

This camp has really brought us one step closer to rebuilding the bridge that was torn down and to secure all the loose bonds that were left hanging after PGH. The camp also showed that revival is going to come to CPC and the YAYA are going to get it. I'm not sure if the adults are going to receive it, but it is my hope and desire that as a Church, from the main congregation to the YAYA to the Children Ministry to the Creche Ministry to the Chinese Ministry to the Sri Lankan Ministry, across all levels of CPC that the revival might hit us and hit us hard. That this isnt a one time off revival but one that will last from generation to generation, each building upon another and that the ceiling of one generation will be the floor of the next, so that the glory of God may grow from glory to glory. This is my dream for CPC, this is the legacy I want to pass to my children's children. That their children would also have the same vision and that this revival would be with us as long as we hold on to this vision.

In all, being back thus far, I can only say that God, You have been amazing. You are nothing sort of a Supernatural Being and I am so every thankful for being a part of Your plan.

I'll leave this post for all the amazing stuffs that has happened thus far. I would probably write another one for something else, but here goes some notes/thanks giving.

I thank God for the camp com and all the hard work that they have put in to get things going and for Shih Yang who really made good and wise decisions throughout the whole camp.

I thank God for my group. I really had a good time with them.

I thank God for the speakers, Evangeline and Joanne; who were very patient with us as a whole and for Evangeline who imparted all that she has to me; which is really very exciting as I discover what she has imparted. and Joanne for the words of encouragement which pierced my heart and broke me down out of love and gratitude.

These were what she said: You are a might and Valiant man. You are like Gideon who the angel of the Lord met. You stand tall and strong among others and your heart for God is Pure. There is a desire of purity in you that whatever you touch becomes pure and everything that I put my hands to become gold. God has given you a golden scepter, He has given you authority. Sometimes the things that I do seems odd and it goes against the convention of things, but they were God's creation to begin with and I have the right to redeem it for His glory. Ask she was just speaking these words to me, I cried tears of Joy and of sort of guilt because I felt unworthy, but God assured me that I was. I have not cried for a long time. I am not sure why, but this is really encouraging and it touched my heart deeply.

I thank God for Aileen's words to me as well: God is increasing your capacity to hold Him. He is releasing goodness in my life and my sphere of influence is increasing. I cant remember what else she said, but those were the 3 main things and what went on in my mind was that I was struggling with God who was giving me a staff. Like when He called Moses to lead His people, Moses struggled. I was pushing the staff back to Him but I gave up in the end and received the staff.

I thank God for Joyce and Min who were contending for more freedom in the ways of the Holy Spirit.

I thank God also for the opportunity to lead the group to reconcile with each other.

I thank God that now Eunice is back and we can all hangout and eat at one table this afternoon.

I treasure all the relationships I have with people so much that I pray that God would teach me how to use my influence and my time to spend it wisely with people around. That I might neglect no one and that everyone knows that they are welcome here.

3rd sem is about to start in 2 weeks time and I am not too excited to go back to KL. But I pray that I let honour be the main culture in my life and that as I just continue to live as a son of the Most High God, may He use me in whatever ways He wants to bring glory to His name.

Thank You Father for every loving and trusting me, thank You Jesus for being more than a Friend. For making me co-heir with You and giving me the authority to be like You. Thank You Holy Spirit for empowering me and working through me. For being so real in my life, though You remain invisible, demonstrating the raw power of God and leading people back to You. I thank You and Praise You, Amen!

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