Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Telunas YAYA Camp 2010

Somehow the theme is so apt. Live...whatever for. As I think about it, I begin to realise that this is what I am living for, His people. I dont know if I am making sense to anyone. Somehow I realise that when I talk about things like this, it only makes sense to Joyce Goh.

I live to see God at work among the body. I dont know if it would ever change to mission or anything else, but I like to see how when I begin to love and show love to people in the body of Christ, stepping out of my comfort zone and just doing what I feel I am being led to do brings about a powerful encounter with God.

One testimony that I have from this camp is that when Zhiqi fell sick and was having fever, after the session that night I ask Joyce Goh to go with me to pray for her. The very next day she was well already. She could play, eat and attend the sessions with us all. I was so encouraged. Such obedience and leading by example, (there were young girls in the room who prayed with us) saw the work of God and their Faith that God would heal is so strong, like as if Zhiqi didnt get up and get well the next day, something must be wrong. As I think about it, I am soooo very awed by the grace and the work of God.

Lectio is as always, amazing. I wished I had the discipline to do this regularly. Sadly also, this time round I lost my camp booklet, the first time ever as it was blown away by the wind. But Wind is like the main theme for me this camp as well.

Wind and Water, the two most abundant elements in Telunas. Matthew 14:22-33 recounts of the story of Jesus walking on water.

What stood out to me in the story was in verse 30: "But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"

Wind, it can both be an aide or an enemy. As I stood there on the platform with water above my feet, I was trying to feel what Peter felt. I was waiting for my faith in God to manifest a walking on water. Though that never happened, the wind and the lapping of the water around my legs made me unsteady at times. I knew now why Peter was afraid. It wasnt a feeling you could explain.

But God was teaching me, that when I begin to walk on water, will I be afraid of the wind? The gist of the thoughts I had was this:

Does going with the wind = doing the right thing?
Does going against the wind = doing the wrong thing?

Sometimes, going against the wind is actually the right thing to do. Not everything that is right is easy to do. But when done in His wind (the Holy Spirit) then things can be done easily.

Just a side note thought, a plane cannot fly if the wind is going in the same direction as it is. It flies only because its going against the wind which is pushing the wings causing it to fly. So if you want to fly, sometimes going against the wind is necessary.

I'm not sure if I am making any sense. But something good is brewing out of this camp. There is something good that is about to happen.

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