Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

How fast this year past by. How fast things seems to come and go. How fast one semester ended and 6 months came and gone like the wind. Wow!!! This Christmas, though it didnt really felt like Christmas, was really different. The festive mood to celebrate and the exchanging of gifts seems to have disappeared. Well, I know that Christmas is about remembering the birth of Christ and the gift of life He brought by coming in the likeness of man, but with that isn't it also a time and season of sharing, loving and giving? I don't know, but I didn't really experience that much of love in Covenant coperately.

I do, however, receive little nice gifts from the people who mattered. They make Christmas every year a little more special and exciting. I am going to remind myself that next year's Christmas, I'm going to make different gifts and I might have to make like 50++ gifts. Cause everyone matters and I should do as much as I can to spread the love and the culture of sharing and giving.

Today indeed was a good day. I am happy and the day really ended well for me. Tired as I maybe now, but my brain is still wide awake and active enough for me to type this out. I talked so much today from BGR to the future to YAYA to future church leadership. Some were deep conversations and some were just fun talk/exchange. But nonetheless, they all meant something to me. Something to think about and ponder.

Though I have been away for 6 months, I always felt welcome back in CPC. It's like a home to me and I am so comfortable being there. Nothing wrong with that. It's not totally comfort zone as there are still stuffs for me to do which I don't like or enjoy. But I enjoying working there and all. I miss being an intern.

To my friends who mattered, I seem to be the friend who is physically away but yet always there. It's like when We meet up once again, we are able to just pick up our conversation from where we left off the last time. I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, But I am thankful for the technologies which help to keep us in touch and stay connected. I pray that I can be the friend who is to you what I can really be. I know I am not perfect but am made perfect by Christ who is in me. There must be less of me and more of Him in every way and everyday of my life so that He may be glorified.

CPC YAYA is going to have a break through. Leadership roles are going to change. People are going to step up. Relationships are going to be re-established. The foundation of a supernatural culture is building up. God is going to fan in the flames of fire to fuel and reignite the passion for worship, fasting and prayer. The church will be so powerful because they are gonna fight the battle on their knees till God gives them the victory. And this glory, favour and power will be sustain in this generation and carried from generations to generations till Christ comes again. Each generation's ceiling shall be the floor for the next. There will be no stopping in the greater things which God is about to do in each generation. CPC will be a house of prayer, a mission sending center and one of the forefather in sustaining a culture for the supernatural works of God. A place of Love, where the Living Word comes to Life.

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