Sunday, July 11, 2010

Week 1, KL

It been a pretty fast week here in KL. So far so good. God is really really very very super duper good to me. Before I came, He provided financially. Being here in KL, I have real friendly people to take care of me and befriend me. There really is nothing to complain, except one thing: A Faulty Washing Machine.

Today I went to Ps Chris Leong's church and it was a really good time. Its a new place and the interior design is so awesome! Love it there. And there was a good time of worship and message, something that I really missed. But with all the good time spent, my mood was spoiled by a washing machine.

My greatest fear of doing the laundry really came true. I dont like washing clothes and its a real hassle, but I thought it should be easy since the owner is providing me with a washing machine. I wanted to get the clothes washed asap and so I was the first to use the machine. Little did I know that the machine is faulty. I was really angry, how can a new machine spoiled?! But hey! nothing really surprises me anymore in Malaysia, just expect for the worst.

Well the problem with the machine was that it couldnt stop filling water. Even when it has reached the max, it still kept filling and then it drains all the excess water. So I thought I give it a while to fill. After 15mins, it was still filling and draining and I suspected that it was faulty. So I told the owner to ask the man who installed the machine to come over tomorrow to settle this. With My clothes all wet and unwashed, I manually tried to hand wash the clothes but it was quite hard as the water was soapy and I cant rinse or change water. So I twist dry all my clothes and just hung them up. I still think that its not cleaned yet. Hope to wash it again after the machine is replaced or repaired. This has been the most frustrating thing that has happened so far.

Other than that everything is pretty much fine. Away from the comfort of home, I have to do everything on my own. I am beginning to be grateful and more appreciative of the things that goes on at home. I know I am going to learn more that music and skills in this 2 years of studying here in KL

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