Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 2, its hell!

Ok, today isnt my best day at all. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong.

Let me start from the beginning... Lessons today was scheduled at 1pm, means that I have the morning off to do my stuffs. I thought that Friday was good since there was only 1 lesson and it was in the noon.

I woke up at 10am, cause the night before I went to watch a gig by the seniors in my school and boy were they awesome. Really inspired me to practise real hard to be at their level. And they reconfirmed my claims that if you want your band to stand out, you need a really pro bassist. They are the X factor to have a really exceptional band.

Ok, back to the day. I woke up, thinking that I had a lot time to do my stuffs, so I went to wash a load of clothes and decided to make omelette for lunch. Before cooking, I kept my clothes that were washed the day before and started the prep for the omelette.

The first thing to screw up was the clothes. I put in a new towel and 2 pieces of clothing. I didn't know that the new towel would have the wool falling off and now my shirts have white fluffy stuffs all over. It was so hard to get it off.

Next while cooking the omelette, I accidentally left the plastic stir fry stick in the pan for too long. It melted and got stuck to the pan. Mega fails. Then trying to rectify all the problems, I forgot that I had class. I rushed to bathe and change and then when I came out of my room, my housemate told me that a cat sneaked into the house and ate my eggs! I had to throw away the entire portion.

After class, I went back home, packed my stuffs and had quite a bit of time before my flight. I prepared to leave house 3hrs before departure time. But the thing I never expected happen. From my house to KL Sentral was ok. Timing wise I was on time. Upon arriving at KL Sentral Bus pickup point that I realise that I just missed the bus by 10mins. I thought that the time interval is 30mins and when I check again, it wasn't. After 7pm, it changes to 1hr time interval. And I planned a 30ride to the airport, but the schedule showed 1hr15min. At that time, I thought I could reach the airport 30min before time and just walk to the gate, but no I was sooooo wrong.

Against wasting money verses missing the flight, I decided to have faith that I could be there at 9 for a 930 flight and still make it. I reach the airport at 9 and the ticket office told me that it was impossible to get onto that plane. I was devastated. I had to check in 2hours before hand! At that moment, I didn't want to waste time and I paid 42RM to get to KLIA to see if I could get any other flight back to Singapore. After 1hour of trying I gave up. Malaysian Airlines last flight back was full, both economy and business class, all the other airlines were closed. Took a 2.50RM bus back to LCCT and bought a ticket for the first flight back to Singapore.

Thank God Airasia counter wasn't closed yet. I was the 3rd last passenger who managed to buy a ticket. Now I am typing this off my Macbook Pro at Macs waiting for my flight at 615am.

School's fine. I realise that the pace of the teaching is good for me. Since I have to take theory, some lessons overlap. I need to work harder after this weekend cause I have not had the time to revise the lessons taught in the week. I really want to do well. I cannot afford to have any back log.

When I get back to Singapore, I will be so busy. There are so many things to get, both for school and for personal uses. In Malaysia not everything is half priced. Some things here are even more expensive than what I could have gotten in Singapore. I'm tired and bored and I wished I have a bed now!

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