Thursday, December 4, 2008

I dont know why

I dont know why I am brutally honest. Well, I am becoming as honest as I can. Not all the times but as much as I have been. I am not honest about my feelings towards someone or totally honest in my dealings, in my own ways. However, guilt have finally found me and it pricked my conscience to do what is right. Lord, I thank you that You are changing me. Holy Spirit, please continue to work in me, with me, through me.

I seem to share what I feel I need to. Truths that might be painful to hear, but truths that have freedom in them. I seem to see evangelism in a closer light. I try to tell of Christ to friends who I care and friends whom I hang out with. I want to invite them to church and show them my friends who are there, who are like minded in loving Christ. I wanna tell them about Jesus and what He did for them. There is just this urge in me.

Though my quiet time isnt as consistant as I hoped and liked it to be, but I have this sudden freedom and power over sin, over doing what is wrong. I am awkwardly aware of His power in my life. Though I might have to curb my love for drinking, He is changing me little by little. I hope to keep growing in Him to be more like Him.

Christmas is coming, the year is ending and I wonder if His promise will be fulfilled. But nonetheless, I will still trust Him and know that His plan is perfect for me. May my life give You all the glory.

1 comment:

C said...

Pity you're not here to taunt me on how tired a tourist I am, and to help me choose a replacement for your multipurpose shirt!

Tsk.... prawning soon ok!