Friday, February 1, 2008


Well lets start with thanks giving shall we? Since we are taught that we should give thanks at all times and that we should start our praying with thanks giving in our heart. But still its easier also to blog chronologically. So here it goes...

TGIF! Yup Thank-God-Its-FRIDAY! the end of the week but its not today that I'm referring to but LAST friday. Yes last friday was AWESOME! Well, we were supposed to have a group dinner. I dont know if I could called it a CG dinner but anyway, since BAG was postponed to the next day Clare and Cass decided to organise a dinner get-together. Well I expected LOTS of people to attend. But what I did not expect was the outcome of the attendance on the night itself. Its was simply Clare, Lyd, Vanny and ME! Well, I dont know if I were beaming all the way but I think I showed that I was happy. Oh the food was good too. I like the Fried potato ball =)

ps Lyd: I would gladly pay for her and you and clare for this perfect dinner but being a NSF that I am, I really cant afford it.

After dinner we went to meet Cass (who was late as usual) at Holland V. We decided to go to Settlers Cafe to play some games. Well, I have never been to Settlers so it was an eye opener for me. I can proudly say that Mind's Cafe is loads better! I'm not bias but just looking at the set up, my previous boss Alvin(too) had planned far better than Settlers.

It was fun playing at Settlers. Not that the games were damn fun but the company was GOOD! Ok, maybe I'm being bias here. But no matter what I was enjoying myself. Lyd had to go off first and so after she left we didnt felt like playing anymore also and decided to go chill elsewhere.

We ended up at Coldrock(I think, as I seemed to have forgotten the name of the place) eating ice cream. Well, I dont know why but I felt like having Sorbet and had 2 scoops of Sorbet. One lime and the other mango. As for Vanny, Cass and Clare they chose something funny. I dont know what it was or how to describe it but it just tasted weird. I'm glad I had my Sorbet.

Guess who we saw 'pa tor'ing there? Mr Ethan Ho and his date Ms Ruth Wong!!! Well Ruth is staying in a rented place near Holland V as her school is nearer to this area and Mr Ho was sending his date home. So nice huh...

By the time we decided to leave Holland V it was close to 11.45pm. We walked to Bouna Vista Mrt with hopes to catch the last train. Thank God we managed to board the last train to Pasir Ris. I was with her alone in the train. It was a little awkward and I did not know what to say. I tried making small talk with her, but she looked tired, so we had pauses of silence. I had made up my mind to send her home before entering the train. I really wanted to send her home. But somehow, something in my head told me that doing nothing is better than doing something. With much reluctance, I left the train at Raffles Place to take the North-South Line home.

Boarding the train I couldnt resist but I had to message her. Its something that Sammie had kinda like made a habit into me. She would always say when we part, "Let me know when you're home ok. Be safe." and that was what I smsed her. I didnt really expect her to reply. But when I was home I had an sms that was from her telling me that she is home safe and sound. If you could imagine this then please do. I jumped for joy :)

Anyway, that Friday night was awesome. Perhaps there would be something more in the near future to come.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

no worries, dear childhood friend! sorry abt last friday though!