Saturday, February 9, 2008

Wine and Cindy&PengFong

Yes, my beloved cousins are back in Singapore for the Lunar New Year! They are my beloved cousin and cousin-in-law cause not only do they pamper me with good alcohol, they too talk me out about stuffs that would help me make a better decision in life.

So today I had 2 parties at Blue Horizon. The first was Lydia's house warming. The food was alright and I give them credits as its all home cooked food! Really lots of efforts put into preparing them. She booked a tennis court and I had fun playing. Cass brought cards and we played bridge. It was nice to have en xuan to mix with us.

After that event it was my Grand Uncle place for dinner. They prepared BBQ and Steamboat. Food was good, well, the BBQ stuffs were ordered, not home made, so the quality was professional. As for the steamboat, I wasnt interested at all. Cindy came over with Pengfong from a friend's place. They just had 9 bottles of wine in 5hours! Goodness gracious me! That is madness. But what is really mad is the wine that was left over. This bottle named RBJ is a wine made by 3 really good wine maker. The wine is 13 years old but it still have its flavour retained. Amazing. Smooth tasty wine. The price, somewhere in the region of SGD$80.

She brought 4 bottle of her own. 2 reds 2 whites. The whites are nice. The first bottle opened is a Italian white. Light and crisp. The second red opened was an Italian red. A rather normal table red. It was rather forgettable. The 3rd a Saint Claire(NZ) Resling. Not the usual sweet ones but the zesty limely kinda flavour. Its nice and refreshing. Love it for its tangyness. And the last. Its my favourite now. An American red wine. Its good cause the winemaker is good. Bondavi(I guess its the name of the winemaker). Its a Cabernet Sauvigon, to me, a red that cant be trusted as its all over the place. But what changed my mind is how smooth and flavourful this wine tasted. Really crafted perfectly by this fabulous winemaker. I even thought for a moment that the wine tasted like a merlot. Wonderful wine and its cheap. Not more that SGD$20. According to Cindy, this is one of the lower range of wine that this winemaker makes. I just cant imagine the upper range that he makes. It would definitely blow my mind!

Well, that is CNY for me. Fun and drinks and catching up with my cousins and friends and just be merry. Tuan yuan shi ke kuai le he xin fu de shi. Let no one, nothing, spoil the fun for you!

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