Monday, February 28, 2011


Its interesting how being in KL now, God is putting me in a place where the training to evangelise is so freely accessible. In ANC, the one of the focus is to make disciples. To multiply and be deliberate in making disciples. I have heard a message about how being a church person is killing the harvest movement and I am just at the moment confused.

Is doing church wrong? Is shepherding a group of people who are in need wrong? The emphasis on going out there to make disciples of all nations is so strong that I am almost suffocated here.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


A play of letters from the previous post describes what I am now. AWOL: Away Without Official Leave. The last post was post no. 300. WOW, I never thought I would blog so much or at least written 300 post, but oh well, I do like this blog :)

So what have I been AWOL from huh? Well, for one, this blog of mine. I have been rather AWOL from being in His presence, checking in on my beloved friends back in SG and well, I've not been myself much.

I really enjoy being with a girl I like, the problem always arises when they suspect that I like them. Then they avoid, they become awkward and things just suck after. Haiz, I really dont know what is happening. Perhaps all these are circumstances placed by Him to remind me of why I am studying in KL.

Thank God that yesterday's performance was well received. It was nerve wreaking but I think we did well on the whole. I am really glad that the hard work paid off and recognition is coming in but as much as I wanna improve faster and be better, I want to be accepted. To have some one accept the love I would like to shower on them.

It got me thinking the whole of last night, it got me puzzled about what to do next. Driven by goals and work based recognition cant get me far. If its for someone else, I would try my best to get anything for her. Funny, I cant get really motivated till I am in it with someone. Knowing that I dont wanna disappoint the other person really drives me. This is something interesting and new that I am learning about myself.

Right now I gotta step it up again. Next week is exam week and I wanna have a good head start. Thank God for the 89 on the English assignment. Its a good enough head start for that subject. Now its just a few more to go. Time really fly by so fast. I hope it wont be long for me to find a wife and have some kids. I laugh at such thoughts cause for me that is bliss and if only life would be like that forever.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Where's my senses?

We should miss the sensitivity that we used to have with God ad hunger and yearn to have it back again. We need to practice the presence of God each and every day of our lives and it be part of everything we do. Knowing that He is pleased with you as you give him all that you are, He will bless you without you fearing of what is to come.

Monday, February 7, 2011


A name truly makes a person. My initials spells "AOWL" and boy am I a night person. Its not like I dont like to sleep at night but I seem to be more clear headed at night to do anything important. This could range from anything like work, to studies, to blogging or reply/writing lengthy emails to friends who means a lot to me. Just about a while ago I wanted to blog about something, but that would probably take too long and I need to sleep and wake up early tomorrow morning to pack my bag. Oh well, I have been thinking a lot and I need to organise my thoughts and get a nice momentum for school, study and revision. I need to do well and cannot afford to fail. I am not a 19 year old trying out something in life. This is very much do or die by the grace of Christ. Yet at the end of the day, I wish that I lived out this life as according to His will and His promises for His glory and His honour, Amen.