Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 4, PJ!

Right right, so I missed out on week 3? and week 4 is almost over and its 1st Aug! Time flies huh? But I felt like I have not been doing anything yet so far.

Well, last week Dan came over to visit and we stayed over at Ming Yue's place on friday night. I was playing for their Sat service and I was glad I did. I missed being with God's people together in worship and just being a community.

The family were really nice, took me out for a nice dinner with the grandparents and I really am so thankful and grateful for their kind gestures! They are really really very generous!

Other than that, When I came back from Singapore the week before, I brought back a lot of things which included a electronic drumset and my lovely Yammy!

This week, I am here again at the Ho's place and extended my stay from Friday till Sunday and attended my first house church meeting. I am honestly getting used to how a house church is done. Its a little different but, I think its ok, I just need some getting used to.

Uncle Hock Seng is really a good leader. He has a real pastoral heart and I really want to learn from him. The thought in my mind this morning is to ask him and his wife, Auntie Chooi Kuan to be my spiritual parents while I am here in KL.

Anyhow, God has been really good. I felt this week was really a good week, Praise God that everything went really smooth. It was good that I had good teachers, schedules have been finalised and things are getting on the way.

I even had the opportunity to watch a really awesome funk/jazz band, PHUNKMOB at a really nice cafe, Nerofico. They really blew my mind away as in what is Jazz. Totally enjoyed myself this week.

Last night, I also had the opportunity to watch Ming Han and Ming Yue perform at the finals of Unplugged2010 at ACTS Church. And guess what, THEY WON!!! Champions of Unplugged2010! Honestly I shouted and screamed and cheered so hard for them when they went to collect the trophy! I was really so happy for them.

And ACTS Church is really cool, its what I have thought about, bringing some level of professionalism into the church. Not have it like a dead serious place but a place where people wanna come again and again and putting God first in all areas of Ministry under the leadership of an apostle. So that God's Presence plus ambiance help facilitate or allow people to be in comfort. The leaders in ACTS church are also very warm, something hard to find in churches today. They have an open minded culture that celebrates and cheers people. Its a good culture.

And just a while ago, the house church group brought me to Betty's Kitchen to celebrate my belated birthday and the food was SO GOOD! American styled Kitchen serving RIBS! So YUMMY! Really really, this has been a great week. Thank you LORD!

I've just been thinking about my goal in studying music again. Thinking about it because, can I go to a very high level and standard, even if I am not in some sense going to be worshiping God but being in the marketplace? Is that my calling, marketplace or is it still the church and in the area of music/worship? I dont know, honestly, but all I know is that no matter where I go, what I do or how screw up I end up, God can use it all for His glory. All that matters to Him is an obedient heart that loves Him.

I Love you Jesus, with all my heart I do.

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