Monday, September 2, 2013

Grace, Faith, Works

Something I took away from yesterday's sermon. Teachers are good. Because they are clear and puts the truth in very simple yet plain words for easy understanding. The balance of the 5 fold needs to be in place.  Where is the law found? In the beginning. Genesis. And in the beginning, as John wrote, was the Word. Jesus was actually asking if you could see, that, I am the beginning, I am the Word, and in the Word, I am the Law. We are saved by grace through faith, not works lest we boast of our salvation. But we were saved by grace through faith, so that our faith in Him may produce the good works that we have been called to and saved to do. (James says that we are justified by works not just faith alone) That the good works in deeds may be pleasing to God and thus glorifying Him by the praises of men. This is the truth, the tension and the paradox: that we are saved by grace through faith, so that the works done out of that relationship produces excellence. And when people who are around, has seen the good works of your hands and that it has been blessed by the One who saved you, they cannot help but give glory and praise to the One who has called you and saved you; by grace, through faith, no less.

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