Monday, July 15, 2013

A really long update cause I can

I'm typing this as I think through and reflect on what I have been through and to give thanks for whatever that was thrown at me thus far. The comfort of typing this at my favourite hang, though I have sort of delayed doing this for a while. And perhaps to crystalize it in this memory log and to provide a closure of sorts.

So June was an extremely tough time, but it was not without His grace and goodness.

At the end of May I quit school due to 3 reasons; 1. because school was being delayed (because I failed my drums technical studies last semester. No one to blame of course but myself, but not looking for an excuse or what but the syllabus is just... never mind.) 2. my pianist pulled out of my exams 1 week before and to replace and rehearse was gonna crazy plus panicky. I sort of figured this would happen, another long story by the way, so when it happened, I decided that this would be it. 3. My mum had a dream that I was involved in a serious accident and died. So she was worried and she called me and asked. When I told her that I was ok physically but felt like I was dying spiritually, she asked me to think if I would still want to continue studying. This was the partial permission which I took up in the end and called it quits.

Calling it quits was one thing, VISA with a SPECIAL stamp issue was another (look at post tittled: Heartdriven Taiwan 2013).

But this Taiwan Trip was the highlight of June. June was a busy month. After Taiwan, I did worship for 3 consecutive weekends and welcomed July with a busking/worship/jam session and a covering and liberation.

In June I received a new mentor and a much needed covering. This agreement has helped me because all of a sudden I feel like I can do what I want to as long as I am accountable to him. Its not for me to abuse but for me to steward it well and bless others. But not being under a covering for so long, this shelter has suddenly helped me to understand the importance of it.

Also, coming back to SG and leading worship in one of the cell/sharing session has lead to a blessing that was a total SURPRISE! Cynthia, after the whole session, at the Bus-Stop in front of her house, prayed for me for like 30mins and my, the prayer was so generous I was truly truly blessed. It was liberating and affirming and encouraging all at once. (Will attempt to blog about this in greater details)

Not only all that good things had happened, but I know that God has confirmed my dreams of having a building, the finances He is gonna pour into my life and like many more. Ok for the details I'll try to get them out ASAP, but for now this is about it.

Yes, I am counting all my blessings and naming them one by one. I have to do so for contentment and testimony is the way to go, for all glory, belongs to Him and Him alone. Besides otherwise, I'll be whining at my current situation and forgotten how He has come through for me. Lest I be like the Israelites when God took them out of slavery and yet they complained against Him.

God is good all the time. Amen!

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