Monday, May 20, 2013

Ahhh, yes she did.

I'm so glad that you are around even though I have neglected you quite a fair bit. I seem to only rant here and this blog wasnt supposed to be like that. This was meant to be a space I keep my journey with God, not a ranting place. But I guess, it through all these hard and sad times that I find myself and draw to Him, the only One who can sustain me.

Why am I writing this at 6:30am? Cause I'm in a mood too good to be asleep. Yes its the first time since a very long while that I have felt so so good. And the irony, this was the same person who caused me so much pain 9 months ago. Isnt funny how the joy and pain can be caused by the same one person? Perhaps the Father is revealing something to me but its really comforting to know that I am alive with all these feelings. And I guess being faithful and being available is one of the most important virtue that I possess. However, its also true that it takes two to build any kind of relationship. And as I think even further back to how this blog started, it was this paradox, this one person, whose choice would either make me smile or cry.

So we chatted for 1hr 30mins. It was good. We chatted like we were old friends. Deep within her, she has a heart. She has a mother's heart. A heart that is family first and she'll do no matter what to provide. Sad circumstances that she has gotten herself into, but I'm just glad that we talked and she has put her past issues with me aside.

And this song playing, John Mayer's Edge of Desire is just the song. This was her song. A song that reminded me of her. I know I dont make any sense now. But trust me, if anything, I am in cloud 9.

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