Friday, March 29, 2013

Trust In All Your Ways

We should trust God with our future and not worry about how it's going to work out. We need to celebrate those He chooses to promote and remind ourselves that He knows what best for each of us. It's faithfulness in the small things, and integrity in the secret place that opens the door to promotion in the public arena.

Managing our heart's desires and navigating our inner life well, is our responsibility. The rest is in His hands. Selah! - KV

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An artist’s proud declaration:

My motivation to be my best performance every time I get on stage does not lie in whether or not I score well in the minds of a few veteran experts in the audience.

My motivation to be my best today and better the next time lies in the very fact that I have committed my soul to this very job, namely, a performer and an artist.

It is the essence of this career, the nature of my work, that I will strife for excellence and sincerity in my work.

It is not at all about how much I want to win the approval of a few well-regarded industry professionals and veterans. Even running the risk of sounding rigid and self-righteous, I’d say that I owe it to my job to put mere mortals aside and submit fully to the stage, and to the performing arts.

Fine, you may say, what is art without connection with humans, and audience?

If at all, I hope to convince my audience and colleagues that I am constantly working on my craft and what they see on stage is the very core of my heart. But frankly, I have no time to wait around and wait on their score papers – I have got work to do – working on my next entrance. 

Credits: Taken off Janet Lee's Facebook

Sunday, March 17, 2013

We all need such an enironment...

Jesus said, "Give and shall be given to you." Life in the Kingdom begins with GIVE! What is it you need in life? Are you lonely, invite someone over who is lonely and will destroy the culture of isolation in your life. Do you feel powerless or devalued, empower and encourage someone else and soon you will feel valued and powerful. Are you unloved; proactively love others and soon you will feel loved.

You don't always get your needs met through the people that you are pouring into. Often these people are incapable of reciprocating. But God sees and He is the one who promised to give to us when we pour out on others. Put your trust in His ability to bless you not their ability to give back to you (although they sometimes do). - KV

Friday, March 15, 2013

Truth about Sex

Sex is a tridimensional experience; spirit, soul, and body. Sex was designed to be an act of intimacy that was a manifestation of a blood covenant. God provided the blood in the hymen of a women.

Paul shares this principle with Corinthians. He writes, Do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, "The two shall become one flesh ." (1 Corinthians 6:16 NASB).

Obviously, Paul's example is a prostitute but the principle remains the same; sex was meant to make us one with someone. When you have intercourse with someone then go your own way, you leave a piece of yourself with that person and vise versa. Metaphorically, it's like glueing two pieces of wood together and later ripping them apart. Wood from each board remains on the other.

This results in both people not ever being whole again. Of course God can and does supernaturally restore people to wholeness when they repent! Yeah Jesus!

You can try and deny this reality but if you have had sex outside of covenant, you know by experience the struggle you are having.

Just because something is common doesn't mean it is normal!

Thank God for the Grace to restore us!!!!! - KV

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Delibrate Practice!

While waiting for my vintage qi-paos to be re-adjusted at my regular alteration shop, I sat at the shop and read what confirmed my long suspicion of why my `hard work' doesn't `work'...

What makes some people extremely good at what they do?

A lot of hard work over a long period of time (approx 10 years or more)?
Yes and no. This is a a study of a huge contradiction...

We all know of many people in our fields who has been working or doing the same thing for many years, you would have expect them, to be an expert and really excel at what they do, with their experience and exposure of the craft - and yet they are not an expert nor they are the top people in their game.

And then there are those who are recognized by all their peers and other professionals & experts, and fans, to be extremely amazing at they do and they too, have spent years, hard at work, to get to where they are.

What separates these groups of people? Apparently "Practice does not makes perfect" :)

What does then? For a start, I would like to summarize what I have read in this chapter, to drum this into my own head, before I get off FB and drown myself further in the next chapter.

What makes `perfect' seems to base on the concept of "deliberate practice".

What deliberate practice is and isn’t – it isn’t what most of us do when we’re “practicing”. To many of my friends, I seem like the girl who works hard, is diligent, and practices a lot. To me, I know I still under practice and I have long suspected the way I practice is not getting me to a higher place. Reading this just now affirmed my suspicion. So I want to share with you, of what you may have already knew long before, or you may not.

The elements of deliberate practice:

- It is designed specifically to improve performance. Key word here is DESIGNED. In my case I definitely do not qualified to design my own practice and it explains why I really need my qualified teacher to coach me in structuring an efficient practice for myself.

- It can be repeated a lot.

- Feedback on results is continuously available. I quote the book, “You can work on technique all you like but if you can’t see the effects, two things will happen: You won’t get any better, and you’ll stop caring.”

- It’s highly demanding mentally. The `deliberate’ part of this kind of practice makes it demanding…practicing mindlessly you won’t need much effort and could probably do it all day but doing with high concentration and focus will tire you in one or two hours.

- It isn’t much fun. When am performing a song that I know really well, I have a lot of fun...that should really be a self reminder that I need to put in efficient deliberate practice into my newer songs, once the not-fun-at-all hard work is done, the fun on stage begins, the show kicks off. Deliberate practice is not fun because we are working on things we are not good at yet, identifying the difficult and painful things we don’t yet know how to do. Depressing yes? The consolation is that it has to be so, because if the syllabus of work that lead to greatness is fun and easy – then everyone would do them and there won’t be a way to distinguish the best from the rest. “The reality that deliberate practice is hard can even be seen as good news. It means that most people won’t do it. So your willingness to do it will distinguish you all the more.”

Now, after all that, in case you're wondering what am reading:
[Talent Is Overrated - What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else] - Geoff Colvin, senior editor at Large, FORTUNE

If you are interested to know more about deliberate practice, I urge you to read the book itself to get the full explanation of the researches and findings, and stories.

- Credits: This was taken off Janet Lee's Facebook.