Thursday, May 10, 2012

The House that sits atop the whirlwind!

Here is a word from the Lord I received this morning, have a read.

The House that sits atop the whirlwind!

I awakened this morning with a vision for Pentecost. The spirit of God reminded me this morning of how He came and descended upon the one-hundred and twenty in the upper room. He came as a rushing mighty wind! He came as a tornado! The Lord prompted me to read a particular scene from the original book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by Frank L Baum.

In chapter 1, Dorothy’s house was taken up by the twister as she stood at a threshold moment in the house. She could have retreated into the dark hole of the cellar with Auntie Em, but instead she risked the whirlwind and rode above it. The book reads that the house was lifted higher and higher until it stood atop the cyclone; it was then carried into another land. Upon landing it struck the enemy dead (the wicked witch). Dorothy is then later given the ruby red slippers.

The Cyclone excerpt from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz; Chapter 1:

“When she was halfway across the room there came a great shriek from the wind, and the house shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly upon the floor.

Then a strange thing happened.

The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon.

The north and south winds met where the house stood, and made it the exact center of the cyclone. In the middle of a cyclone the air is generally still, but the great pressure of the wind on every side of the house raised it up higher and higher, until it was at the very top of the cyclone; and there it remained and was carried miles and miles away as easily as you could carry a feather”

After reading that passage in the book, I felt the Lord strongly. I interpreted what I was sensing and immediately wrote the following,

“In the year of the house, this Pentecost season is ushering in a critical moment in history when the whirlwind of God is carrying houses into a new era! We are being raptured by the Wind of His Great Power! The house is being lifted above the middle winds of the demonic realm to a realm that the enemy cannot enter- the holy realm of Heaven. The hooks of the enemy will be pulled out by the wind; and the lines of demonic communication will be cut- for in the wind of Pentecost there is deliverance! This cyclone is a vehicle of transition, and we will ride with God on the wings of His wind! It is a time when many people will be carried into their promises. We will mount up with wings as an eagle and soar into the land of promise! As the house enters the land of promise; it shall strike the enemy dead upon its landing! This is the authority and power of Jesus Christ moving through us! We will Reclaim red shoes of governmental authority! We will tread on snakes and scorpions, and overcome ALL power of the enemy! This is an accelerated stage of transition that suddenly will become Delivery. We will be witnesses in the earth! We will be sent out with authority!”

We enter the feast of Pentecost on the Hebraic calendar on the 6th of Sivan, or May 27th on the Gregorian calendar. However this is a season, not just one or two days! May the Lord unveil your season!

Taken from Natasha Seppala

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