Sunday, July 29, 2007

Flea Market

WOW, I never knew that a flea market could make so much money, or rather any carnival. Think my stall did pretty well, cept for the fact that we prepared a far too small portion. Well, at least we were the fastest moving counter. We sold home-made salsa sauce(made by clare, cass, vin)with nachos / potato salad (clare, cass) / fishballs (from Defu Lane) / soup and garlic bread (silas).

I think seriously I can set up a cafe with cass and clare if he wants to. I cant really be innovative, but I can cook. And I think its gonna be fun. Making our own salsa, drinks, pasta, potato salad, grill food (my specialty). Who knows? we could be super popular with teenagers!

It would really be lots of fun (working together in a cafe) or having carnivals and flea market. It would have been more fun if I could be there throughout the event. I had to play drums for service, so it was kinda like a mad rush up and down the church.

Thank God for the rain that kept people in church and thus having to buy stuff from us. Thank God for the church members who are always so supportive of any events. Thank God for scheduling this special speaker to preach today so that we have more people who come from other churches to hear her and thus is also here for the flea market. THANK YOU GOD!

You have provided far beyond my expectations(like mannas that rained from heaven), multiplied the resources that you have given us(like the 5 loaves and 2 fishes), build up faith that has shaken, never short changing us when we put in our all.

People say that there is no miracles in this age, for the age of miracles is over. But what is this I see? Is this not a miracle?


Friday, July 27, 2007


Its now the aftermath... Dont know what is going on, dont care about anything that is going on.

Been working lately, camp instructors with Camp High Achievers and as a gymnastic assistant with my good buddy Jon. Well, I guess having a job is good, but it really does keep you too busy from doing anything you might wanna do. Sheesh, I quite hating working if not for the pay.

Anyway, I love being a camp instructor and the culture at Camp HA is really something I like very much. Will work not for anything they offer but the company of RA-RA instructors.

Well, now I'm 20. Birthday was spent working and recording. But I dont really care. 20 is nothing important. I think 21 is though. so lets see what happens next year.

At the moment now I'm in a good mood. That is why I'm updating :) I'm secretly happy over something. I think only God understands and He made sure I did too. His Grace is sufficient for me. I can say that when something goes wrong, I can rely on Him to show me why it is this way. I may not understand at first, but wait patiently and He(GOD) will reveal Himself to me.

Thank God too for sending the right people to help in the recording. Thank you for the love gifts that people gave. Thank you for the help that you have sent through people around. Thank you for sending us John Heng our producer. Thank you Lord for him as he has made things take shape.

I'm in a good mood, not just because its my birthday, but because things are going on well.